There is hope – La Ultima Noticias

There is hope – La Ultima Noticias
There is hope – La Ultima Noticias

By: Pedro Javier Jiménez

There is hope for the city, we have leaders, and citizens are beginning to understand that the task of recovering Neiva belongs to everyone and among everyone.

I want to congratulate Jorge Andrés Géchem and his team, who last week held a new version of the Empanada and Entrepreneurship Fair, an organized, serious event that in times of recession falls like a pipette of oxygen of life and hope to many entrepreneurs, it was a success, a hit; The magnitude of the event has not yet been achieved by the Secretary of Competitiveness of the municipality of Neiva, nor by that of the department of Huila.

I also want to congratulate Councilor Héctor Javier Osorio, who very successfully launched last Thursday a great initiative to maintain and improve the monuments and sculptures of our capital. Good for that, councilman. Each one adding to be able to recover our city. The monument to the Colombian Horse was already successfully intervened.

I also want to congratulate the entrepreneurial gentlemen of the nurseries that are located near the roundabout that connects to Inés García Avenue, on the right bank of the Magdalena River. Mayor Casagua did not give their names in the midst of the recognition he made last Sunday and I want to understand that they prefer to be that way.

Also congratulate Mr. Jorge Rodríguez and the Avenida restaurant, who did the same with the roundabout, next to his establishment, another example of commitment to the city.

The Rotarians of Neiva are also an example of a sense of community and high citizen values. They permanently carry out activities in favor of our capital and its people. Thank you Rotarians. The Vida y Chocolate y Pan foundation carries out its work every week to bring a bite of food to those most in need.

What if we could make all these initiatives visible, communicate through institutional channels or media and we committed to recovering our city together. This would be a “Neiva Te Ama” campaign, visualizing everything that Neivans do well.

What if the Mayor’s Office called the community en masse without purely political calculations? What if from the Council of Neiva or from the Departmental Assembly, they managed to put more effort into “doing”? These citizens mentioned above give us hope to recover the city together.

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