SINGULAR FUTURE CÓRDOBA | What do people with intellectual disabilities dream of?

SINGULAR FUTURE CÓRDOBA | What do people with intellectual disabilities dream of?
SINGULAR FUTURE CÓRDOBA | What do people with intellectual disabilities dream of?

What do people with intellectual disabilities dream of?Singular Future

They dream of integrate In this city. By walking through its streets and squares. By getting to know your neighbors and smiling at the people you meet. With loving them and being loved. By entering their stores and buying. By petting your pets. To see how live the city. They dream of the day when our households and our day centers move from Burned to the urban environment of Cordova. They dream of leaving isolation. They dream of feeling closer to their people and to their houses.

This center is the largest of the seven that Futuro Singular Córdoba has in the province of Córdoba.

And for years, the Foundationaware of the physical and structural deterioration and the lack of community opportunities which presents its Specialized Social Services Center located in the Las Quemadas Industrial Estate, set a dream as its objective: replace those facilities for others better equipped, designed and located. The dream of more than 200 people with intellectual disabilities to which support is provided there. The dream of a new location where there will be more adequate facilities, and from those with greater opportunities of participation in community contexts.

This center, our dream, is the largest of the seven thatSingular Future Córdobaavailable in the province of Córdoba. In it the day unit servicesoccupational therapy, adult residence and residence for people with high support needs.

Occupational center.

Over the last few years, Futuro Singular Córdoba has worked alongside the Urban Planning Management so that the dream of the new facilities could start. And he has already done it: Management has given up the ground. We already have the plots where to continue building the dream.

But to address a project of this magnitude, it is essential to search for external financing. Thus, the Foundation has initiated different initiatives for the fund accounting, both at the public and private level. We dream of them prospering.

As we mentioned, the starting point has been resolved in April 2024 with the granting, by the Urban Planning Management, of the exclusive use of the municipally owned plots:

  • 20.2 (Registration property number 78,270).
  • 22.2-A (Registration property number 64,807)
  • 22.2-B (Registration Property number 79,620)

They belong to the Partial Plan O-4, on Calle Ramón Toledano Cuenca. These three plots, located in the well-known Hipercor area, will house all the services mentioned above, as well as a training center.

The impact that new facilities will have on the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities to whom Futuro Singular Córdoba provides support is contemplated in different areas: the improvement of coexistencefacilitate access to community spaces and leisure and free time areasfacilitate access for families and professionals and contribute to the social transformation.

Improves coexistence

The restructuring of the coexistence units will allow people with intellectual disabilities to live in an environment more similar to a housing model than the classic residential model. The new coexistence units are structured into double and single-occupancy bedrooms, with bathrooms in a proportion greater than one for every two people. Within this unit there is also a common space of coexistence destined for living room, dining room and an office area. In this way, the coexistence unit will be made up of a minimum of five and a maximum of ten people.

The three plots will offer various services and will also have a training center.

One is also planned for temporary stay (family respite unit)composed of a common space and five individual bedrooms that aim to respond to the emergency or need of families affected by various issueslabor-related, social or any other circumstance.

Inclusive leisure activity.

In addition, on the ground floor of the building there will be general spaces and areas such as common toilets, personalized attention rooms, reception area, visiting and waiting room, offices, changing rooms and warehouse. And finally there will be a recreation and leisure area that will be protected from inclement weather.

Facilitates access to community spaces and leisure and free time areas

The new location, being completely included in the urban helmet, facilitates access to medical, educational, cultural and leisure centers. Whether on foot or using the public transport network, people with intellectual disabilities and, where applicable, their support people They will depend less on their own transportation (whose fleet is limited and limiting) and will reduce waiting and travel times to their places of interest.

This improvement in accessibility It will allow them to participate more actively in community life and contribute to the autonomy and self-determination of people with intellectual disabilities. But this location transfer presents many other benefits and benefited people.

Facilitates access for families and professionals

Without a doubt, the relativesand professionals who come to the center will see their time of arrival by avoiding traffic jams typical of the industrial estate. They will also see their options multiplied by being able to benefit from the Public transportation network from the city.

Contributes to social transformation

The participation of people with intellectual disabilities in community life must be normalized by the entire community. society to the point where each of us acts as natural supports to guarantee its full inclusion. This participation, which Futuro Singular Córdoba strives to increase, will be intensified with easy access and recurrence to community spaces. Further stakemore visibility, more awareness, more normalization.

The coexistence unit will be made up of a minimum of five and a maximum of ten people.

However, the final achievement of this project inevitably involves obtaining the financing requested for the construction of these facilities. Futuro Singular Córdoba has attended the subsidies for the construction and adaptation of day centers and residential centers, which are aimed at non-profit entities, convened by the Ministry of Social Inclusion, Youth, Families and Equality to undertake the first phase of this project, consisting of the construction of the two residences that are currently located in the polygon of The Burns.

Reception of the Social Services Center in Córdoba.

And although we are aware that, like Rome, the new Futuro Singular Córdoba center will not be built in a day, it will represent a radical change in the provision of supports at People with disabilities, offering opportunities that, until now and due to the current location of the facilities, are very difficult to take advantage of. On the other hand, it will also be a great opportunity for the area in which these facilities are located, since it will generate large synergies with the environment, as well as the contribution to advance in a societyfurther inclusive and adapted for all people.

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