They will march for justice for Brenda Albarenga, murdered in Paraná

They will march for justice for Brenda Albarenga, murdered in Paraná
They will march for justice for Brenda Albarenga, murdered in Paraná

The community of Paraná is preparing for a march in search of justice after the femicide of Brenda Albarenga last Friday, June 7 in the XVI neighborhood. Evelyn, the victim’s sister, shared details about the demonstration that will take place on June 24.

In dialogue with the program The Morning of the Network (88.7), reported that the rally is scheduled for 4 p.m. at the Cathedral of Paraná, from where the participants will march towards the Courts. The call not only seeks to honor Brenda’s memory, but also to demand justice for her case and for other victims of femicide, extending the invitation to the family of Susana Altamirano, another recent victim whose body appeared on Route 131, near Curly.

“We want everyone to accompany us in this painful moment. We want justice and we are going to achieve it together. We also invite Susana Altamirano’s family to participate”said.

Interview with Evelyn Albarenga, sister of the victim

READ MORE: Femicide of Susana Altamirano: what is known so far

March for justice

Asked about her sister, she described her as a helpful person. “Brenda was a good, special girl. She helped a lot of people regardless of whether they hurt her or not. She had three beautiful daughters, who are devastated today. The little one is 5 years old and the other two are 14 and 16,” he said.

Likewise, he said that the family had noticed signs of gender violence in Brenda’s relationship with Alan Domínguez, who is currently detained in Penal Unit No. 1 of Paraná accused of homicide aggravated by the link in the context of gender violence. “She always suffered gender violence from Domínguez. We always told her. She made the decision to report it and these were the results”said.

“We noticed that she was in a bad way. The first thing the femicides do is take the victim away from her family environment. She had blocked us on her cell phone. He took her away from us. She had more contact with the girls’ paternal family,” he pointed.

Finally, he reiterated that the call to march highlights the importance of providing support in times of pain and fight for justice. He highlighted the need to unite in solidarity to support the family and to demand an exemplary sentence for Domínguez.


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