EDUCATION TEACHERS CÓRDOBA | CSIF denounces that 94% of Córdoba teachers cannot provide quality care

EDUCATION TEACHERS CÓRDOBA | CSIF denounces that 94% of Córdoba teachers cannot provide quality care
EDUCATION TEACHERS CÓRDOBA | CSIF denounces that 94% of Córdoba teachers cannot provide quality care

CSIF prepares a survey where 94% of Córdoba teachers affirm that they are not able to provide individualized and quality attentionCORDOVA

CSIFthe first union force of the public education in Cordova and in Andalusiahas carried out a survey for the end of the 2023-2024 school year which reveals that a 94% of the teaching staff claims to be unable to provide individualized, quality attention to its students with the ratios they have in their educational centers. That is to say, nine out of ten teachers They describe the current ratios as “excessive”, which would prevent them from providing adequate personalized attention to their students.

This is one of the conclusions revealed this Monday by the head of the Education Sector of CSIF Córdoba, Antonio Pachón, during a press conference in which he took stock of the school year that is now ending, who also highlighted that in Córdoba the number of units in Public Education has been reduced by 54 in this course and at 193 in the last four years.

In the opinion of the union representative, “in the priority problems of the Córdoba public educational system, such as template deficitthe current ratios, the lack of resources “For adequate attention to diversity or excess bureaucracy, no progress has been made nor firm steps taken by the Administration to solve them.”

Poll results

The aforementioned survey, in which they have received more than 1,200 responses in the capital and the provincepoints out that almost 76% of teachers consider that the number of teachers in their center has been inadequate or very inadequate to adequately serve all students, including those who have Special Educational Needs (SEN) or Specific Educational Support Needs (SEN). ).

Likewise, “within this deficit of human resources that teachers confirm, the resources allocated to attention to diversity acquire special relevance”, since a 79.4% believe that the provision of professionals in this area (Therapeutic Pedagogy, Hearing and Language Teachers and counselors) is inadequate or very inadequate. If you ask these professionals directly, they indicate in almost a 93% of cases that the number of students they have to attend to weekly in order to respond to their needs is very inadequate or inadequate. In response to the “triumphant speeches made by the Board”, Antonio Pachón has stressed that in public educational centers in Córdoba “A total of 59 places have been reduced in the last year of the Body of Secondary School Teachers and Professors”.

Refering to bureaucratic burdena 83% of Córdoba teachers states that his tasks of this type have increased in this school year and the 95.7% thinks that the bureaucratic tasks that they support are high or very high. That is, “nine out of ten teachers believe that they have too much superfluous paperwork to attend to and that it does not favor the teaching-learning process, but rather takes away their time for it.” In addition, Nearly 80% say that reducing their hours teaching would have positive effects on the quality of teaching.

According to the coexistence In educational centers, 31.6% of the participants in the survey assure that the climate of coexistence in your center is bad or very bada percentage that increases if reference is made exclusively to secondary schools. In this sense, the person in charge of CSIF Educación Córdoba has valued that the Board has regulated and restricted the use of mobile devices in Andalusian educational centers, as the union claimed, “since they represent a clear source of conflict in the centers and are also unfortunately linked to bullying.”

Pachón has also referred to the Vocational Training (FP) teachings and has described the proliferation of private centers that is currently occurring as “very negative.” In this sense, he highlighted the significant growth experienced by students who attend private centers, specifically in higher education, where the increase has been close to 42% in Córdoba, compared to the increase in students in public centers, which has not reached 25%.

In this sense, he regretted that the Board is considering closing the distance vocational training offer in all Andalusian provinces, including Córdoba, and unifying it in a single center located in Almería. “This would mean abolition of 19 positions teachers in the IES Trassierra and at the IES Maimónides. We are not going to allow the reduction of the public offer of Vocational Training in any of its modalities to favor private initiative,” emphasizes Pachón.

“The 2023-2024 academic year ends without significant progress and the Board must include in its Budgets for 2025, which are now being forged, items to increase staff, lower ratios, eliminate unnecessary bureaucracy and offer the quality public education that Córdoba needs,” said the union representative, who has predicted a “hot autumn if the autonomous Administration does not really commit”.

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