District carries out removal work and actively helps families affected by landslides

More than 1,700 cubic meters of removable material have been removed, clearing the road to avoid further disruption to pedestrians.

With yellow machinery and under coordinated work with the Office of Risk Management and Climate Change (OGRICC), Infrastructure, Mobility, Government, Essmar, Atesa and other companies and contractors, the stabilization and subsequent opening of the El Ziruma road was achieved . This was achieved after more than 24 hours of uninterrupted work cleaning debris and landslides caused by heavy rains in the city.

Martha Janeth Huertas, a resident of the area, commented: “Thank God no accident occurred. The district mayor’s office acted preventively with rapid management to demolish the entire unstable part; Fortunately, no one was affected.”

After the work, more than 1,700 cubic meters of removable material have been removed, clearing the road to avoid further disruption to pedestrians.

Activation of mud excavation works and relocation of families in San José del Pando

At the same time, teams from the district administration, made up of representatives from the OGRICC and Infrastructure secretariats, were present in the San José del Pando sector. Here, sediment excavation work was activated that caused damage to three homes, fortunately without any injuries. The human personnel carried out the removal work and subsequent evaluation of the material damage. In addition, the temporary relocation of a family whose home was one of the most affected and represented a significant risk was achieved.

Elver José Fernández Velázquez, one of those affected by the landslides in the San José neighborhood, declared: “Today again the mayor’s office came with work personnel, they are already doing the excavations, they are already doing, thank God, all the removal of all the mud , stones and sticks that we had left up to the roof of the patio.”

Anna Portela, for her part, thanks the district mayor’s office for the new relocation “and for giving us this new home to live in.”

Temporary relocation of affected families in Nueva Betel – Gaira

Likewise, lodging was provided for a day in a hotel in the city of Santa Marta to the 12 members of the three tenant families affected by the landslide of a hill, an incident that occurred on Saturday, June 15, where they were injured. Subsequently, temporary relocation work began through rental support for these three families.

“I thank the mayor’s office because they have been with us at all times since the day the tragedy happened to us, they have been hand in hand, they have been attentive with their entire team,” said Juana Delgado, a victim from the Nueva Betel neighborhood.

The District Mayor’s Office of Santa Marta will continue to work in an articulated manner to address the different situations that arise due to the winter wave and that may put the inhabitants of both the urban and rural areas of Santa Marta at risk.

Press release.

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