BANCO IMPROSA SOCIEDAD ANÓNIMA, legal entity ID number three-hundred one-seventy-nine thousand six, domiciled in San José, Barrio Tournón, south side of the La República Newspaper, Trust entity of the GUARANTEE TRUST identified as “I-7138/2019”, signed to guarantee the obligations granted in favor of BANCO POPULAR Y DE DESARROLLO COMUNAL, legal entity ID number four-zero zero zero-zero forty-two thousand one hundred fifty-two, domiciled in San José, second avenue, streets one and three, I hereby inform that based on clause 3.03 of the indicated Trust Agreement, BANCO POPULAR Y DE DESARROLLO COMUNAL requested the second auction of the property in the GUANACASTE district, registration SIXTY-NINE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY-SIX – ZERO ZEROZERO, which is described as follows: Nature: land for building with a house, located in the first district (Nicoya), second canton (Nicoya) of the province of GUANACASTE; boundaries: North: Estela Sánchez Cardenas; South: Sabas Gutiérrez Gutiérrez; East: Julio Muñoz Mayorga and West: Public Street with twelve meters; measurement: two hundred and ten square meters; cadastral plan: G- zero eight six three zero five three- one thousand nine hundred and eighty nine, free of all types of annotations and liens. In accordance with clause 3.03 of the GUARANTEE TRUST identified as “I-7138/2019”, the base for the second auction of the property corresponds to the sum of: THIRTY-FOUR MILLION TWO HUNDRED FORTY-SIX THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED NINETY-TWO COLONES WITH FORTY-EIGHT CENTS (₡34,246,292.48). Bids for the property will only be accepted by certified check issued by any Bank of the National Financial System in favor of Banco Improsa Sociedad Anónima or cash and covering fifteen percent of the base. Once the property has been awarded, the successful bidder must pay the balance of the sale price and the amount corresponding to 100% of the expenses, stamps, taxes and transfer fees within a maximum period of three calendar days from the date of the award, all of which must be paid at the offices of Banco Improsa Sociedad Anónima located in San José, Barrio Escalante, exactly three hundred meters east of the Santa Teresita Church, two hundred meters south of the corner house on the right. In the event of failure to deliver the price plus the expenses and fees indicated within that period of three calendar days, the auction will be declared void and the successful bidder will lose his right as such, as well as the fifteen percent deposited. The successful bidder will appoint the Notary Public who will be in charge of the award deed. Bidders must accept the aforementioned property in the state of use, preservation and possession in which it is found, having previously inspected it and the mere presentation of the offer implies that they know and accept the conditions of the property, relieving BANCO IMPROSA SOCIEDAD ANÓNIMA and BANCO POPULAR Y DE DESARROLLO COMUNAL of all responsibility. It is noted that at any time before an auction is held, the trustor-debtor and/or the trustor may cancel all amounts owed under the credit, as well as fees, taxes, insurance and other expenses caused by this Trust. The auction of the real estate is set for 10:00 a.m. on July 12, 2024, the auction will be held at the offices of the Trust Department of Banco Improsa Sociedad Anónima, located at the headquarters located in San José, Barrio Escalante, exactly three hundred meters east of the Santa Teresita Church and two hundred meters south, corner house on the right. San José, June 26, 2024. BANCO IMPROSA SOCIEDAD ANÓNIMA.

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