Hogar Padre Olallo in Camagüey: refuge of love for the elderly

Hogar Padre Olallo in Camagüey: refuge of love for the elderly
Hogar Padre Olallo in Camagüey: refuge of love for the elderly

Camagüey, June 17.- The Hogar Padre Olallo, located in the municipality of Camagüey, is an institution established on November 27, 1999 with the mission of enriching the quality of life of older adults in the province.

Currently, and with the support of the Ministry of Public Health, it has expanded its reception capacity by incorporating more elderly people in the municipality.

On the verge of its 25th anniversary, it has been immersed in the noble task of caring for the elderly. Currently, 71 older adults are part of the center’s community, among them, 10 are daytime adults, who only frequent the facilities during the morning to take advantage of the services offered by the institution.

Another 15 are part of the soup kitchens and 46 reside permanently in the home, receiving continuous 24-hour care from the entity’s professional staff.

In the complex scenario that involves adequate care for the elderly, the Hogar Padre Olallo in Camagüey has created the necessary conditions to offer new ways of life to older adults, integrating them into current Cuban society and strengthening this social pillar. so important for the island’s population.

It is evident that the care of the elderly constitutes a priority for society in the face of the increasing level of population aging, constituting one of the most complex sociodemographic challenges that the country must face.

For this reason, Hogar Padre Olallo stands out among the entities in Camagüey dedicated to guaranteeing the protection of this segment that is particularly vulnerable due to its fragility, disability and dependency. (Text and photo: Thalía Masso Aliaga/Radio Cadena Agramonte)


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