Search for Loan Peña: Red Solidaria carries out a campaign in Plaza de Mayo to publicize the case

Search for Loan Peña: Red Solidaria carries out a campaign in Plaza de Mayo to publicize the case
Search for Loan Peña: Red Solidaria carries out a campaign in Plaza de Mayo to publicize the case

Loan Danilo Peña is 5 years old. He disappeared last Thursday in the town of 9 de Julio, in Corrientes

It’s been five days since Loan Danilo Peña disappeared in the rural area of ​​Algarrobal, in the Corrientes city of 9 de Julio. Since last Thursday, his whereabouts have been a real mystery. The barely 5-year-old boy had gone to the mountains with his uncle, a couple friends and other children to gather oranges, but he never returned. In the midst of the desperate search, this Monday he held a rally in May Plaza to continue making visible the case that has the country in suspense.

“Four days is a lot. When a boy gets lost, you have to do what people do when they get lost on the beach: start applauding. The more people applaud, the greater the possibility that more people will find out. Making noise breaks that silence,” he commented to Infobae Juan Carr, founder of Red Solidaria who will carry out the initiative.

During the afternoon of this Monday, as detailed to this medium, they will distribute the leaflets with Loan’s face, in the square of the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Monserrat, in order to get more people involved in the search for the child.

“We are looking for Loan. She is five years old. It can be in Corrientes, it can be anywhere. He may be near you,” they wrote from the organization’s Instagram account along with a photo of the missing child.

While the hours pass, an important operation continues in the province of Corrientes, which was deployed to find the baby. “The search extends. There are no limits, everything is being explored here,” said the prosecutor investigating the case. Juan Carlos Castilloin dialogue with TN. Likewise, Army troops from Goya’s 12th Engineer Battalion arrived in the area to collaborate with the search. Thus, they joined the 600 troops who were already working at the site with drones, a helicopter, two planes, paragliders and sniffer dogs.

Until now, they are detained under preventive prison the adults who were with the child at the time of his disappearance: these are his uncle and the friendly couple, who were also in charge of the other children who walked next to them.

The prosecutor in the case, Juan Carlos Castillo, assured that the most important line of investigation is that the child was lost.

Meanwhile, the prosecutor assured that the strongest hypothesis is that Loan could have been lost. She went to drink oranges with other cousins ​​and older people. The boy moved forward and, from there, took another direction. The little boy was lost“, he explained to the aforementioned media, according to what they were able to reconstruct so far, with the Gesell camera that was carried out on the other three minors who were with Loan.

I have three people charged with abandonment. We do not rule out any hypothesis, but, in principle, we work along the lines that it was lost,” he reaffirmed.

“The boy said, ‘I’m going with my dad.’ The adults were further back when this happens. The other children said that Loan came forward and they played like a race,” she said and pointed out that it was at that moment when the adults lost sight of the child.

Loan Danilo Peña had gone to the mountains with his uncle, a couple and other children to look for oranges

In addition, he assured that the place where the minor disappeared and where they are currently searching for him, is a complicated terrain and a “dirty area.” “It is a very difficult place, with a lot of vegetation, inaccessible to vehicles. From the drones and paragliders, to whom we thank them for their help, you cannot see what is in the mountains. It is by walking, with a machete and opening a path, that you can get there. There are inaccessible places,” he explained.

In the middle of the search, they found a shoe that was recognized by the parents. There were also footprints and vomiting

Nearby, authorities found footprints and a sneaker in the mud. “When we went to the place indicated by the boys, 2 or 3 kilometers from where the grandmother lives, we managed to find the child’s shoe and the parents recognized it”, indicated the Minister of Security of the province, Buenaventura Duarte, in dialogue with the press. They also found vomiting.

For his part, Loan’s father, José, referred to the adults who were with his son and told TN: “I don’t understand why they went to look for oranges on someone else’s property, if in my house there are oranges, tangerines… It’s strange. You have to ask permission for that. And they have to ask my permission to take the child out there. How are they going to carry the creature around?”

After the disappearance, the Ministry of National Security, together with the Federal Search System for Missing and Lost Persons (SIFEBU), activated the program Sofia Alert for the search of Loan Danilo Peñawhich involves the immediate dissemination of the image and data of the missing minor in the mass media and social networks.

Loan is a thin boy, with a dark complexion; He has brown eyes and short dark brown hair. The day he went missing, he was wearing a black T-shirt with pink letters with the inscription “Messi”, black pants and green sneakers. He is approximately 80 centimeters tall and has a scar on the top of his head.

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