What is the protocol of the Government of Córdoba against possible climate manipulations?

The theory of “Artificial Climate Intervention”, the act of altering the environment to produce changes in meteorological conditions, is once again put on the table after the involvement of the Government of Córdoba as the authority for the application of an initial protocol to analyze possible manipulations.

For decades, producers and residents of northwest towns hit by drought have warned of the alleged existence of flights that would leave persistent trails in the sky. They consider that behind this trace in the air there is a climatic adulteration that would affect the natural hydrological cycles.

Technologies to intentionally manipulate the climate began to be patented in the late 19th century. One of the best-known methods is cloud seeding. It could be obtained with the dispersion of substances in the air, using airplanes or cannons, which serve as cloud condensation nuclei or ice nuclei, which alter the processes within the microphysics of the clouds.

Faced with the insistence of peasants and small farmers, the Province held various meetings to learn more about the issue and designed a preliminary protocol for intervention in response to complaints. “The intention is for it to be a comprehensive response that gives peace of mind to producers. It is a pilot test so that in dynamics and practice we can adjust the procedure,” said Augusto Carreras, Secretary of Climate Change.

The protocol is already in force and is part of an open table between the provincial State and producers to improve the response to the effects of climate change. “We believe that if there is no such manipulation, we can have guarantees with the advancement of this relationship,” Carreras understood.

CAMPAIGN 2022/2023. Lot with corn planted in the Jesús María area exhibits the effects of lack of water. (Courtesy of BCCBa DIA Collaborator)

Officials and technical teams from the Ministry of Bioagroindustry, the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, the Secretariats of Climate Change and Environmental Impact, and the Ministry of Environment and Circular Economy participated in its preparation.

In addition, technicians from the Hydrometeoreological Observatory, legislators, peasant movements and the organization Clean Skies in America-Clama Environmental Monitor participated in the meetings.


Under the premise that the Government of Córdoba does not finance, contribute, or authorize any project for atmospheric intervention to reduce the impact of hail or prevent it from raining, these are the main points of the protocol:

Complaint. The Government asks the complainant to indicate precise information about the flight: day, time, location and short video of the plane. There will be a direct contact number via WhatsApp with the Rural Police.

Intervention. First of all, Rural Police will exchange information with the General Directorate of Aeronautics (DGA). If necessary, the National Civil Aviation Administration (Anac) will be contacted to report flight records from airports and flying clubs to find out if it is a commercial airplane or another type of registered aircraft. In the event that the day and time do not coincide with any registered flight, the Ministry of Security will carry out an investigation to find out what that illegal plane is doing in that place.

In addition, they include the promise of control of air strips through the DGA with radars, although it is not established how this will be carried out. For the operations, a plane will be available whose flight sheet provides control from Cruz del Eje to San Luis, and with a range to Villa General Belgrano.

Rural Police patrol personnel will intervene in response to complaints.
Rural Police patrol personnel will intervene in response to complaints.

Among other functions, the Rural Police’s task will include capturing images with geolocation and possible physical intervention at the scene if the flight does not occur on private property. Finally, if any complaint indicates the use of chemicals, Ceprocor will intervene to investigate what chemicals they are and what they are used for.

Evidence and information is lacking, according to a specialist

“In Argentina there is no scientific basis that an airplane can cause an artificial modification of a storm,” explained physicist and professor Carlos Di Prinzio, from the Faculty of Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics and Computing of the National University of Córdoba (UNC). .

The specialist said that artificial climate intervention is a phenomenon that continues to be studied in laboratories, but there are only cases with some validation in the US, China and Australia.

“Based on the data, we cannot answer whether it is effective and to what degree. We only operate with parameters that we supposedly know. Afterwards there is a lot of uncertainty. To modify climatic conditions, a lot of cross-information and advanced technological instruments that can measure large-scale variables are needed,” he added.

Olympic Games: in 2022 they used 186 doses of silver iodide in the last ten days to cause snowfall. In 2008 they made the clouds disappear at the opening of the Olympic Games Photo: AP
Olympic Games: in 2022 they used 186 doses of silver iodide in the last ten days to cause snowfall. In 2008 they made the clouds disappear at the opening of the Olympic Games Photo: AP

In addition, he said that the denounced method requires technical in-depth knowledge of clouds and where to place the flares to sow humidity. And regarding the action protocol against possible climate manipulations, Di Prinzio considered that the document presents more doubts than certainties about the viability and success stories.

Who benefits from artificial manipulation of the climate? “Beyond the lack of evidence, it would benefit those who pay, since it is a very expensive procedure. It could favor those who seek to alter some rainfall percentages to increase productivity, but at the same time it harms others,” he concluded.

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