Wholesale prices would have “pierced the floor” of the 3.4% recorded in April

Wholesale prices would have “pierced the floor” of the 3.4% recorded in April
Wholesale prices would have “pierced the floor” of the 3.4% recorded in April

He National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (Indec) will announce today the increase registered during May in the Wholesale Price Index, which has accompanied the downward march of retail inflation, which increased only 4.2% in the fifth month of the year.

Regarding the costs that companies pay, some consulting firms, such as the case of LCG, pointed out that “with an official dollar still subject to a crawling (mini-devaluation) of 2% monthly and the gap moving downwards, “The incidence of imported products in the Index is diluted”.

For all this ““We estimate that the increase in wholesale prices will be around 2% monthly (324% annually),” highlighted the consulting firm that directs Javier Okseniukthrough a report.

For his part, the economist Julian Cuencapointed out that ““Companies have stock, demand is not traction, and prices are not moving.”

“If it is not for an increase in electricity, or oil, in the context of a sharp decline in demand, everything indicates that wholesale prices will continue to decline”Cuenca, from the consulting firm Economía y Sociedad, told Data Clave.

As an example of this panorama, the consulting firm Focus Market During May, it registered a decline of 14.5% year-on-year and 3.1% compared to April, according to a survey carried out via Scanntech (code reader in 756 points of sale throughout the country). The number of tickets fell 0.3% compared to the previous month and 8% compared to the previous year.

“This month, the bonus should generate relief in the pocket for Argentines, but while last year stocking in the supermarket and placing their pesos for 30 days in a fixed period was the most chosen option, today they are among the decisions less valued for the use of the complementary annual salary. The perception of Argentines is that in the event of a drop in consumption, the price paid today may be lower tomorrow, since the different family categories of goods can be obtained at a lower price level through offers, promotions and discounts.”highlighted Damian Di Pacedirector of Focus Market, through a report.

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