Cuba denounces attempt to unilaterally perpetuate US list

Cuba denounces attempt to unilaterally perpetuate US list
Cuba denounces attempt to unilaterally perpetuate US list

In a statement, the island’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Minrex) said that, with the usual manipulation of the US political system, a pair of anti-Cuban congressmen managed to get the Republican Party to approve this legislation on State Department expenses, which perpetuates Cuba’s inclusion in the unilateral list of state sponsors of terrorism.

If this were to happen, it would imply, in practical terms, that this department would be prohibited from spending financial resources to stop lying, that is, to correct the unfair characterization of Cuba, in the event that the White House were to decide to do so, something of which there is not the slightest indication, the Foreign Ministry explained.

The text also denotes that multiple governments and voices from the international community, especially from the region of Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as various political and social organizations from the United States itself, have been calling for years for the US government to correct this injustice. .

They have done so repeatedly, including in recent days and weeks, he added.

The Minrex also repudiated the use of corrupt and gangster methods by legislators to approve this regulation.

He highlighted that they took advantage of the hypocritical and demagogic behavior of the current North American government, which maintains the unjust designation as an aggressive tool of maximum economic pressure against the standard of living of Cubans.

“The conduct of both anti-Cuban legislators and the State Department itself is indicative of the disdain of U.S. politicians, above all, for the truth,” the Foreign Ministry said.

Also, he added, towards the slightest sense of justice and the expressions and claims of all those who in the world and within the United States themselves trusted for a long time that the current Democratic government would do the right thing in the face of logical, fair and irrefutable arguments. .


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