Since September 20, accounts of the delegates

Since September 20, accounts of the delegates
Since September 20, accounts of the delegates

The accountability meetings of the delegates to the municipal assemblies of the People’s Power to their voters will be held throughout the country between September 20 and November 15, 2024.

This was agreed this Monday by the Council of State, in use of the powers conferred upon it, during an extraordinary session in the National Capitol, headed by its president, Esteban Lazo, and which was attended by the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Party and President of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel.

The first process of accountability of the delegates to their voters in the 18th mandate of the municipal bodies of People’s Power was postponed in October 2023, and to make up for it, it was agreed to release the work functions of the delegates whose work allowed it. in the remainder of 2023, with a view to increasing its connection and attention to voters.

As reported by Parliament, as a result of these actions, between October 15 and December 31, 2023, the delegates released from their work responsibilities throughout the country will achieve direct exchange with more than two million 500 thousand voters; and, by this and other means, 86,755 proposals were received, of which 74.9 percent (%) could be resolved.

In addition, 69,734 control actions were carried out on entities providing local impact services in this period.

“The delegates also participated in priority tasks for the country and their respective territories. Hence, the objectives proposed at the stage were satisfactorily met,” the legislature indicated.

In January 2023, and taking into account the aforementioned evaluation of the attention to the formulated approaches, and the progress of the link between the delegates and their voters, the Council of State approved not to carry out the accountability process in the first quarter of 2024.

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