Longobardi replied to Milei: “This tells us about his compulsion and mental confusion”

Longobardi replied to Milei: “This tells us about his compulsion and mental confusion”
Longobardi replied to Milei: “This tells us about his compulsion and mental confusion”

Journalist Marcelo Longobardi This Tuesday he opened his morning program in Radio Rivadavia with a strong defense against the controversial post he made Javier Milei on their social networks. There the President targeted a group of Argentine journalists, among whom the radio host was mentioned, accusing them of being complicit in the “authoritarian socialism” that in his opinion is exercised in Spain by the Pedro Sánchez government.

“His comments were so inappropriate and so wrong, in the train of criticizing the press he made a communication error. Whether due to a misunderstanding or an act of bad faith. This compulsion to tweet It leads you to put something that has nothing to do with it,” said Longobardi.

“It’s interesting to watch because this tells us both about the president’s compulsion and his mental confusion, and about his relationship with freedom. Being that he presents himself to the world as the greatest leader of freedom in the entire world,” added the journalist.

Authoritarians don’t like this

The practice of professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. That is why it bothers those who believe they are the owners of the truth.

Longobardi, very harsh against Milei: “Is he in a position to govern a country in crisis?”

What Milei had posted against journalists

Javier Milei once again criticized the national press through his account with an example of a Spanish journalist. Is about Vito Quileswho denounced an alleged persecution by the Spanish Government, after having published that one of Pedro Sánchez’s ministers had used an official car to go to the pop singer’s recital Taylor Swift.

Marcelo Longobardi

In this context, Milei expressed solidarity with Quiles and posted: “If an official of our Government wanted to put a journalist in prison for reporting news, all the local progressives, from Tenembaum and Longobardi to Novaresio and Lanata, I would be crying dictatorship“.

Milei spoke to the “boluprogres” amid new criticism of Pedro Sánchez’s government

Along those lines, the Argentine president added: “But no. Since it is a left-handed government, they act distracted.” Finally, Milei stated that Argentine journalists “are complicit in authoritarian socialism.”

Beyond the intersections between leaders and officials, the tension between the governments of Argentina and Spain reached its peak when Pedro Sánchez decided to withdraw its ambassador from Buenos Aires, after Milei accused Sánchez’s wife, Begoña Gómez, of being corrupt. Gómez is investigated by the Spanish Justice for influence peddling and corruption.


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