Millionaire mistake by the Government with money destined for La Guajira; this time it was in the Aerocivil

authorities of La Guajira have just been notified that one of the works that they have been requesting from the Government for months will be stopped indefinitely.

According to the criteria of

This is the injection of more than 10,480 million pesos for the construction of the Rescue and Fire Fighting service base (SEI) and complementary works at the Almirante Padilla airport in Riohacha, whose tender was advanced by the Civil Aeronautics (Aerocivil) since last year.

The Attorney General’s warnings

Marcio Melgosa Torrado, First Delegate Attorney for Preventive Surveillance of the Public Service.


The case caught on again the alarms because it joins other contracts for that hit region of the country that are stopped due to irregularities (this time an alleged million-dollar error) in government entities.

The serious findings In the National Risk Management Unit (UNGRD) payments on issues such as community pots and rental of yellow machinery have been paralyzed, not to mention the tank truck scandal.

Now, an alleged error in a couple of juicy tenders of the Aerocivil, have frozen one contract and others under observation by the Attorney General’s Office.

Contractor refused to reverse it

The first case, that of the airport It is of such magnitude that Aerocivil is going to have to demand its own administrative act of adjudication.

The alerts began on April 12, when one of the parties interested in the contract assured that the proponent number 29, Megastructural Consortium, was immersed in grounds for rejection for having exceeded the value of the contract than that indicated by the entity.

However, the irregularity was only taken into account when the prosecutor first delegated for preventive surveillance, Marcio Melgosa warned them that the award of the contract was openly irregular.

The Aerocivil letter

This is the letter from Aerocivil addressed to Attorney Marcio Melgosa.

Photo:Private file.

Although Aerocivil told EL TIEMPO that it is not going to make any official statement and that it will only respond to the Attorney General’s Office.this newspaper had access to a confidential letter, dated June 5, in which Andrés Arboleda Salazar, secretary of airport services, admits the error and asks the Attorney General’s Office to show him the way to correct the issue.

The technical evaluator, upon reviewing the observation presented, established that in fact in the evaluation of the offer of bidder No. 29, an error was presented in the Excel format of the economic proposal, which, because it contained an additional row, implied a lag in the apply the function for comparison of the official budget and the presented proposal“says the letter.

The winner refuses to reverse the contract

And add that on April 25, a request for consent for the direct revocation of Adjudication Resolution No. 00640 of April 10,

2024 to the successful bidder: Megastructural Consortium.

The response to this requirement, on April 29, was negative to the request for direct revocation“says Aerocivil.

And in the In the same communication, it is stated that they ask the Attorney General’s Office to “provide the recommendations or suggestions that your office deems appropriate when resolving the request for revocation and the request to sign the contract by the proponent who is the recipient of the award resolution. all of this by virtue of the Comprehensive Preventive Function of the Attorney General’s Office.”

ELTIEMPO contacted Javier Triana, substitute representative of the Megastructural Consortium, who began by noting that the bidding process had completed all stages in a pertinent and correct manner.

An offeror presented an observation outside the time established by law to return the process to the selection stage and favor them“he explained.

And he added that their lawyers told them that they are evaluating a lawsuit against Aerocivil for non-compliance with the selection process.

Another case is coming

Andrés Arboleda Salazar, Secretary of Airport Services.

Andrés Arboleda Salazar, Secretary of Airport Services.

Photo:Civil Aviation

EL TIEMPO established that the attorney Melgosa is reviewing another case of a contract that seeks to acquire, install and put into operation 4 radio aid systems for the airports of Bogotá, Cartagena, Rionegro and Cúcuta.

The amount exceeds 18 billion pesos.

This alert states that there are risks when violating the rules provided for in paragraph 5 of article 30 of Law 80 of 1993.

Furthermore, they point out that since the opening of the selection procedure, and until its closure, 32 business days elapsed, exceeding half of the initially established period with the addenda issued. The Aerocivil insists that it will only respond to these issues to the Attorney General’s Office.


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