Córdoba climbs 10 places in the business environment pillar of the 2024 Competitiveness Index

Córdoba climbs 10 places in the business environment pillar of the 2024 Competitiveness Index
Córdoba climbs 10 places in the business environment pillar of the 2024 Competitiveness Index

The department of Córdoba rose 10 positions in the business environment pillar of the Departmental Competitiveness Index (IDC) 2024, ranking 22nd among the 33 departments evaluated.

According to the report published by the Private Competitiveness Council (CPC) and the Universidad del Rosario, This progress was achieved thanks to the improvements recorded in the business concentration and commercial registry indicators.

In the concentration indicator of the tertiary sector, Córdoba climbed 10 positions, while in concentration of the secondary sector it advanced 5 positions.

This reflects a strengthening of business density in key sectors of the departmental economy. Furthermore, in the business registration rate indicator, Córdoba improved 3 positions, evidencing greater dynamics in the creation of new companies and the coordination between the public and private sectors to generate a more favorable environment for business development.

The IDC methodology evaluates different aspects that affect territorial competitiveness, and in the case of the business environment pillar, factors such as the ease of completing procedures, business concentration in strategic sectors and the dynamics of business creation are analyzed.

Despite progress in this pillar, Córdoba still faces important challenges to improve its overall competitiveness, as it ranked 23rd among the 33 departments in the IDC 2024, with an overall score of 4.47 out of 10.

The IDC 2024 report also highlights the importance of strengthening other strategic pillars for departmental competitiveness, such as infrastructure, sophistication and diversification, and the adoption of information and communications technologies.


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