Students made rosettes for those who promised the flag

They attend the seventh grade of school No. 296 and they were given to fourth grade students. The school has an institutional project to revalue national symbols.

Seventh grade students from primary school No. 296, in the city of Neuquén, made rosettes to give to their fourth grade classmates who promised the flag on Tuesday, June 18. This activity is part of an institutional project, which has been carried out since 2015 in that establishment, and aims to revalue national symbols.

In this way, the students of the last year of the primary level made the rosettes for fourth grade students, as a gift, to be worn at the ceremony in which they made their promise of loyalty to the national flag.

They were made with different resources and materials provided by the institution, such as fabric, wood, ribbons, etc. The initiative arose in the subject of Plastic Arts under the name “I give you my flag”, in which fourth grade teachers from all divisions also participated.

“As they have already lived the experience, they give them, with the rosette, a dedication of what they felt years ago when they promised the flag, which is one of the most important moments in their lives,” highlighted the director of the establishment, Gabriela Carrasco. , who pointed out that the work “is a craftsmanship with a lot of detail and a lot of dedication.”

This activity is part of an institutional project, which has been carried out since 2015 in that establishment, and aims to revalue national symbols.

The school’s enrollment is 470 students and this year 63 students pledged the flag between the morning and afternoon shifts.

“They give priority to 4th grade students and, if it is enough, they also give it to teachers, so that on that day we all have the same badge,” Carrasco clarified. The dedications, written by the 7th grade, were kept by the teachers and were handed out along with the rosettes at the ceremony on Tuesday.

“The boys went through these days with many expectations and anxieties; “They have been rehearsing their song and they began to revalue the national symbols, beyond the feeling that invades us all on occasions such as the World Cup or the Copa América, where feelings are enhanced more,” the director explained.

In this sense, he explained that they worked on the book “The Journey to the Flag” by the author Cecilia Pisos; The volume tells the story of a child who tells – as if on a journey through time – how the national flag was created. “With this story they see themselves reflected because, although they know who created it, they know in detail what the participation of each actor was like and what it means to have a flag,” she said. At this point she said that the pedagogical proposal also includes the participation of families who make a flag with recycled elements that was also displayed at the flag pledge ceremony.

Finally, Carrasco highlighted the commitment of the teachers and the teamwork “which was very enriching and significant for the students.”

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