SLP church applauds possible pardon for Sanjuana Maldonado, imprisoned for a crime she did not commit

The spokesman for the archbishopric of San Luis Potosí, Tomás Cruz Perales, welcomed the eventual pardon that could be awarded to Sanjuana Maldonadoa woman who has been imprisoned in San Luis Potosí for 15 years for a crime she did not commit, and maintained that this case should be a watershed in recognition of how things are being done in the judicial system and begin to free people who should not be being internalized, since he commented that he is sure that there are many more innocent people inside the prisons who need to be supported as well.

The parish priest mentioned that “surely there are many innocent people who have served as ‘scapegoats’, just like Sanjuana, and who are in prisons. We are happy, as a church, for his prompt release, which we hope will be granted by Congress.”

Likewise, Tomás Cruz Perales made reference to mechanisms such as pardon or the new powers that the President of the Republic has, Andrés Manuel López Obradorto forgive any sentenced person, because I hope these tools are used to free people who are really unjustly in prisons “of which there are many.”

Likewise, he stressed that, thank God, Sanjuana Maldonado has had great legal support and support from society, in addition to the fact that there is evidence of his innocence and that he was implicated in the crimes circumstantially, unfortunately he had to spend too many years in prison. prison, but the important thing is that he will be able to get out now and reunite with his family and loved ones.

Finally, he stressed that then, just as it has been in the case of Sanjuana, there are also people who raise their voices in favor of other people who are also deprived of their liberty unjustly and that there is a will to review all these cases, in addition that the victims of crimes can truly access justice and that the use of “scapegoats” is put aside, but that those truly responsible are punished.


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