In the last week, 1 case of dengue was confirmed in Jujuy – Ministry of Health

In the last week, 1 case of dengue was confirmed in Jujuy – Ministry of Health
In the last week, 1 case of dengue was confirmed in Jujuy – Ministry of Health

Even with the progressive decrease in cases according to the time of year, it is essential to reinforce debris removal in each home.

The Ministry of Health of Jujuy reported that in the last week a single positive case of dengue was reported, thus consolidating the progressive decrease in infections, after the historic outbreak registered in the province, the country and the region.

In this framework, while the health teams and personnel of different municipalities continue with prevention tasks, it is key to strengthen the removal of debris in the home itself and in buildings such as schools, offices or businesses: this means, discarding any type of disused object that could become a breeding ground or reservoir for the eggs of Aedes Aegypti, the mosquito that transmits dengue.

It is important to keep in mind that, although during the winter the circulation of adult specimens of the transmitting mosquito is reduced, they can remain in the egg state distributed in different unused containers with or without water such as buckets, pots, covers, toys. , bottles, basins, badges or vases.

How to prevent dengue?

  • Eliminate all breeding sites for the Aedes Aegypti mosquito that lives and reproduces in the home environment
  • Remove trash every day to discard unused containers that may accumulate water where mosquitoes can lay their eggs: cans, bottles, tires, toys, metal plates, pools, tanks.
  • Turn objects that are outdoors and that can accumulate water when it rains such as buckets, basins, drums, bottles
  • Change the water in animal water bowls every day and replace the water in vases with wet sand.
  • Clean air conditioning drain collectors and gutters and cover tanks and containers used to collect water
  • Weed lands, gardens and patios


The General Directorate of Epidemiology reported that in the last week 1 new case of dengue was registered in the province, corresponding to a person residing in Santa Clara.

In this way, in the current season Jujuy has a total of 14,200 positive results for the infection:

* 5891 in San Salvador
* 3651 in Perico
* 1506 in Monterrico
* 711 in El Carmen
* 526 in Palpala
* 424 in San Pedro
* 383 in Libertador
* 222 in Calilegua
* 192 in La Mendieta
* 101 in La Esperanza
* 91 in Palma Sola
* 44 in Aguas Calientes
* 41 in Pampa Blanca
* 37 in Sitio Viejo
* 36 in Rodeito
* 33 in Yuto
* 28 in El Piquete
* 24 in Painted Friar
* 23 in Santa Clara
* 21 in Las Pampitas
* 21 in Caimancito
* 18 in Parapetí
* 16 in Rio Blanco
* 16 in El Talar
* 12 in Kings
* 12 in El Chamical
* 11 in Chalicán
* 8 in Maimara
* 8 in Springs
* 7 in Tilcara
* 7 in Humahuaca
* 6 in Lozano
* 6 in San Antonio
* 6 in Vinalito
* 5 in Los Lapachos
* 4 in San Pablo de Reyes
* 4 in Miraflores
* 4 in La Quiaca
* 4 in Yala
* 4 in Arrayanal
* 3 in Los Alisos
* 3 in El Ceibal
* 3 in El Acheral
* 2 in Tumbaya
* 2 in Puente Lavayén
* 2 in Palos Blancos
* 2 in Abra Pampa
* 2 in San Lucas
* 2 in León
* 1 in Volcano
* 1 in Uquia
* 1 in Tiraxi
* 1 in Pampa Vieja
* 1 in Ocloyas
* 1 in La Bajada
* 1 in El Sunchal
* 1 in El Fuerte
* 1 in Coranzulí
* 1 in Coctaca
* 1 on Bordo La Isla
* 1 in Bárcena
* 1 in White Water
* 1 in Abdón Castro Tolay
* 1 in El Bananal

To date, no people are registered in hospitalization in the public system. Meanwhile, there are five confirmed deaths this season due to dengue.

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