Vice Minister of Education inspected progress of Kankuamo educational centers

Three of the 13 Educational Institutions that receive infrastructure investments in the Kankuamo town, located in five townships of Valledupar, were visited by the Vice Minister of Preschool, Basic and Secondary Education, Óscar Sánchez Jaramillo, who, in the company of the Secretary of Education, Camilo Pinto Morón, valued the evolution of the works.

These educational scenarios have an investment of $927 million 130 thousand, benefiting 254 students from the Educational Institution (IE) San Fernando de Río Seco, Escuela Nueva Ramalito, Escuela Los Haticos, Escuela Mixta El Mojao, IE headquarters Rancho de la Goya, IE La Mina, IE San Isidro Labrador, Lucía Carrillo School, Nueva Pontón School, Las Flores Headquarters School, IE Social Promotion of Guatapurí, New Guatapurí School Headquarters and Chemesquemena Mixed School.

The infrastructure projects range from new classrooms, sanitary batteries, sports center roofs, replacement of classrooms, laboratories and school cafeterias.

In this regard, Vice Minister Óscar Sánchez Jaramillo indicated: “These community educational projects are important because, in addition, the thinking of each indigenous community is respected in schools so that there is a strengthening of identity, in addition, work is done to support their processes on issues logistical and technical, but respecting the dynamics of each town.”

For his part, the Secretary of Education, Camilo Pinto Morón, stated: “As a territorial entity we guarantee that these educational projects are a success, because the 13 school environments dignify the educational process of the students of the Kankuamo people. From the government of Mayor Ernesto Orozco Durán there is a Development Plan with which we aspire to intervene in 200 educational settings in the municipality that allow us to guarantee quality and coverage.”

It is noteworthy that the inspection carried out aimed to determine the progress of the works, the endowment and their respective inauguration; It is also essential that the 13 school institutions have an educational basket and school transportation.

The Vice Minister of Preschool, Basic and Secondary Education, Óscar Sánchez Jaramillo, toured the works in the company of educational authorities of the municipality.

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