These are the best companies to work for in Colombia in 2024

The Merco Talento ranking shows the stability and employment attractiveness of companies in Colombia, with Bancolombia reaching 9,720 points again – Colpresa credit

The Merco Talento monitor announced the ranking of the best companies to work for in Colombia in 2024, which Ecopetrol leads. The state oil company obtained the maximum rating of 10,000 points, remaining in first place, the same as the previous year. Bancolombia, with a score of 9,720, also repeats its place in second position, according to a survey that included the participation of employees, university students, unions, experts and headhunters.

The ranking continues with Nutresa, Alpina, Bavaria and Sura in third to sixth positions, respectively, without changes compared to 2023. These six entities did not see changes in their positions, symbolizing stability in the job attractiveness they offer. In seventh place, EPM improved its position by moving up one position, followed by Nestlé in eighth place, which fell one position. Johnson & Johnson rose from eleventh place to ninth, and Davivienda remains in tenth place.

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The general director of Merco in Colombia, Catalina Londoño Moreno, commented on the results: “We are seeing how in recent years both the satisfaction of the companies’ employees and the degree of recommendation to work in their company have been increasing, in 2024 the Satisfaction stands at 8.89 out of 10, and the degree of recommendation made by collaborators increases from 64.4% in 2023 to 71.6% in 2024.”

These companies continue to occupy the third to sixth positions, indicating stability in their ability to attract and retain talent – credit @mercoranking / X

For his part, Enrique Mañas, director of Merco, added that, Although the salary and attractiveness of the sector remain crucial, the ethical and professional values ​​of companies have gained relevance: “The attributes to which workers give more importance when choosing the company they would like to work for continue to be salary and attractiveness of the sector, but attributes more related to the principles and values ​​of the company gain importance: the values ethical and professional.”

Among the new features this year, Nubank entered in position 59, Grupo Vanti in 71 and Corficolombiana in 72, marking its debut in the top 100 of the ranking. Sura highlighted its recognition as the best insurer in Colombia, occupying sixth place in the general ranking; Luz Marina Velásquez, vice president of Human Talent at Seguros Sura Colombia, expressed: “This recognition fills us with reasons to continue working for the comprehensive development of human talent.”

On the other hand, Grupo Argos, which ranked 25th in the general list and remained the main business conglomerate in attracting and retaining talent for the fifth consecutive year, with its subsidiaries Cementos Argos and Celsia in positions 19 and 24, respectively. Alejandro Piedrahita, Vice President of Strategy and Corporate Finance of Grupo Argos, highlighted the commitment to its more than 11,000 employees: “This result recognizes the talent of more than 11,000 employees who find in Grupo Argos companies a place to develop their talent and represents a commitment for the organization to continue promoting diverse and inclusive workspaces.”

A LHH study predicts that salaries in the Colombian labor market will increase significantly, exceeding inflation projected for 2025 – credit iStock

A recent research conducted by LHH identified the economic sectors with the best salaries in Colombia by 2024. The study bases its findings on 1,200 interviews with candidates and 400 surveys of companies nationwide, projecting a salary increase of 11%, exceeding the estimated inflation of 3% by 2025.

The analysis of the LHH firm covers 15 economic sectors, highlighting operations, logistics, sales, marketing and technology, as areas with high remunerations. In the information technology sector, the most lucrative positions include software engineers, web developers, cybersecurity experts and data analysts, driven by the constant technological evolution that these professional profiles demand.

The healthcare field also shows high salaries, especially for specialized doctors, surgeons, dentists and other medical professionals. The critical need for these services in society increases their economic compensation. Engineering professionals, such as civil, electrical, mechanical and petroleum engineers, also earn competitive incomes due to the demand for infrastructure and energy projects in the country.

Medical and technology professionals will see significant increases in salaries next year, according to LHH study – credit iStock

In the financial sector, high-level positions such as financial managers, analysts and investment experts receive significant compensation. Managers, especially operations directors, marketing directors, vice presidents and general managers of large companies, are also highly compensated due to their crucial role in business management and growth.

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