“Crafts are the cultural identity of Huila and Colombia”

“Crafts are the cultural identity of Huila and Colombia”
“Crafts are the cultural identity of Huila and Colombia”

The Folkloric Festival of the Elderly, held at the Cacique Pigoanza Theater in the capital of Opita, was held in commemoration of non-violence against the elderly, where to the rhythm of couplets and rajaleñas, the participants forgot their pain and enjoyed a evening accompanied by musicians and dancers from other municipalities.

On the day, there were representations from the territorial entities of Íquira, Palermo, Oporapa, Villavieja, Timaná, Acevedo, Neiva, among others.

No to violence against the elderly!

Regarding this event, Diario del Huila spoke with Marli Arias Medina, coordinator of the Elderly Program of the Secretariat of Women, Family and Social Inclusion, who noted: “this event has allowed us to reach older adults and more than To participate is to attend and do a very beautiful and cultural dance performance, they performed the traditional dance.”

The official highlighted that this day is held in commemoration of non-violence against the elderly. And it is the third Folklore Festival for the Elderly, which is held in the capital of Opita.

“It had already been handled previously, we do not want to lose that tradition and the objective is to be able to give continuity to this festivity, so that it can be carried out in the Sampedrina activities that take place in the month of June,” indicated the coordinator.

According to Marli, between 400 to 500 older adults attended the event. “We have a limit of people that we were going to serve, an invitation was also made in the municipalities, they registered and there was no greater dissemination because we wanted to provide good attention to the participants.”

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Important spaces

In this sense, Gladys Céspedes, from the Association of Pensioned Teachers (Asomaespen), said: “I think it is extremely important that they give space to us pensioners or older adults and we are going to participate with a dance group and with the musical group.” Golden Strings’. I think there was a lack of more publicity for the event and we did not appear in the official programming.”

And there were about 24 municipalities that participated in the day.

“We all came well prepared, because we could see the ladies with their colorful outfits, the couples well groomed, we were very punctual and I hope this program is institutionalized and Corponsanpedro gives it the relevance of the case,” said the retired teacher.

Likewise, the former teacher, Orlando Mayor, indicated: “our group is called ‘Cuerdas Doradas’, we have been in operation for five years, we created it before the Covid-19 Pandemic, after that, we had a break, and we have two more years with the bambuco rhythm, which we are going to perform, there are eleven musicians.”

The artist indicated that they performed two songs, ‘La Mistela’ and ‘San Pedro en el Espinal’.

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The dancers showed their folklore

In turn, Olga Rivas from the municipality of Íquira, stated: “I think it is an excellent event and we are preparing to come represent our town, and we are going to dance the song ‘Iquireño’ and ‘Sardinas’, we have been rehearsal”.

Likewise, Mercedes Roa said: “I feel very happy, because for a long time I have been representing the group ‘Semillas de Oro’ from Íquira, and I am the representative of the elderly and we have always had a good reception.”

Get ready for the parades!

In this sense, Adriana Rojas, director of the Corporation for the Promotion of Culture and Tourism in Huila (Corposanpedro), indicated: “we already started today (yesterday) precisely with the Municipal Culture Secretariat, with the night parade that is scheduled for 6:00 in the afternoon.”

And soon, the Señorita Neiva parades will come, which will take place on Sunday, June 23 at 9:00 AM

And regarding the route that all the parades will take, the official highlighted: “the route will be the same in the south-north direction. And comes the welcome parade for the national queens which is on June 27 at 9:00 in the morning, and follows the ‘Chivas’ parade which is on the 28th at 3:00 in the afternoon and the ‘Folclérico’ which It will take place on Sunday the 30th at 9:00 AM.”

The official programming

Regarding the official programming, the director highlighted that citizens and tourists can find this guide on the social networks of Corposanpedro, Government of Huila and the Secretariats of Culture.

“We have made some small changes, that is why I want to invite everyone to periodically consult our pages, where they upload it every day. We are going to have more than 100 young controllers, who have yellow phosphorescent vests, who will help identify any public order or security problem that may arise. There we will also be supported, of course, by more than 1,500 police officers who came to reinforce the security of the city. And it only remains to say that we are waiting for you all with open arms to enjoy these festivities and cultural exhibitions,” highlighted the director.

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The new festival

In this sense and after the controversy that arose from the cancellation of the Aquatic Parade, with the queens, due to issues of insecurity and apparently budget, Betsabé Polania, Secretary of Culture of Huila, pointed out. “We have already had several conversations and by mutual agreement, we made the decision that on June 29 of this year, we are going to have a parade, but not with the national queens, but with the myths and legends of our culture.”

The official indicated that the river transport operators will have support from Corposanpedro and the Departmental and Municipal Culture Secretariats.

And when asked about the value of the investment in this new event, the board indicated that so far it amounts to $17 million.

Beautify the city

“In the parade, as has always been done, we want to show the queens and their entourage a beautiful face of Neiva, which are the banks of the Magdalena River,” added the secretary.

Likewise, Adriana Rojas, who is director of the Corporation for the Promotion of Culture and Tourism in Huila (Corposanpedro), indicated: “the important thing is the rescue of the river and the alliances that are going to be made. The Aquatic Parade was not held for the different reasons that have already been expressed and we are going to do, among the different entities, a cleaning day before the event.”

“In the ‘River Festival’, there will be protagonists, such as cultural managers, artisans, they will see enterprises, it is about showing the beautiful face of all of Colombia with this event, because precisely that week we have a good influx of tourists” .

The official is already promoting the event, not only will it be brought forward in the morning hours, it will last all day, where citizens will be able to enjoy the exquisite Huilense gastronomy, as well as the Myths and Legends of the Opita culture.

“This event is for everyone and alliances will be made with private companies, it will be something beautiful. It is an initiative to see that friendly side of the river with safety, entrepreneurship and the beauty we have in our culture,” highlighted the director.

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