The government’s negotiating team with the Second Marquetalia is ready

The government’s negotiating team with the Second Marquetalia is ready
The government’s negotiating team with the Second Marquetalia is ready

Through a resolution, the government confirmed the team of negotiators that will accompany Armando Novoa at the negotiating table with the Segunda Marquetalia dissidents, led by Iván Márquez.

These are the new negotiators:

Parmenio Cuéllar: Former governor of Nariño and former senator for two terms. He is part of the Democratic Pole.

María Camila Moreno. She is an experienced anthropologist with experience in land issues. She is currently the head of the Colombia office of the International Center for Transitional Justice.

Gloria Arias Nieto. She is a doctor with studies in the peace and reconciliation process. She is currently a columnist and member of the Defendamos la Paz movement.

Jaime Joaquín Ariza. Retired colonel from the military forces. He is part of the Association of Retired Officers of the Military Forces (Acore).

Gabriel Bustamante He is a lawyer and the current deputy director of the Land Restitution Unit (URT).

Tulio Gomez. He will be a “supporting member” of the national government delegation. He was a candidate for Governor of Valle and owner of the América de Cali soccer team.

12 spokespersons were appointed for the dissident group and only three, so far, have had their arrest warrants lifted.

Resolution 0220 by La Silla Vacía

Context. After months of rapprochement, it was agreed to set up a dialogue table between the government and the “Second Marquetalia.” This was announced by the delegations in a statement signed by, among others, Otty Patiño, high commissioner for Peace; and Iván Márquez, commander of the Second Marquetalia.

What did they agree? Work on the construction of “Territories of Peace” with the participation of communities and the presence of the State. The statement adds that the parties will be guided by the principle of “agreed agreement, fulfilled agreement,” which includes design, execution and verification.

Why is it key? The Second Marquetalia was born in 2019 when “Iván Márquez” and other former members of the now-extinct FARC betrayed the Peace Agreement under the pretext that the State “failed” to comply with the agreement. They have about 1,800 combatants and presence in 89 municipalities.

Here you can follow the trail of the entire peace process with the “Second Marquetalia” we recommend this one. We also recommend this interview and these Eggs on the X-ray of the Second Marquetalia.

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