In Córdoba they strengthen the chain of use of the rec

In Córdoba they strengthen the chain of use of the rec
In Córdoba they strengthen the chain of use of the rec

The Governorate of Córdoba held the first session of the Recycling Table aimed at strengthening the exploitation chain in the department.

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Representatives of mayors, private companies, associations of recyclers of the department and the academy were part of the formal installation of the Departmental Recycling Table who was born in April as a result of Circular Economy Forum and Social led by the Government of Córdoba.

Natalia López Fuentes, manager of Social Development of the Government, leads this initiative entrusted by the governor Erasmo Zuleta Bechara.

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During the first meeting, they learned about the mission and regulations of the Departmental Recycling Board and in turn asked the municipalities to find out how the situation of use incentives is “and from there take forceful and necessary actions to improve the quality of life.” of recyclers in the department,” said López Fuentes.

The official explained that the Córdoba Recycling Table is an open participation space that can be part of organizations that have interest, will and commitment to work to improve and strengthen the chain of use in the territory, to improve the conditions of the recyclers, generate new income opportunities and contribute to the implementation of the circular economy model in the department.

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Merly Jiménez Doria, member of the Aresinú Recyclers Association, de Montería, described this space as “fair and necessary” to organize the needs of recyclers and the environment. “We are taking the first step, we are going to create programs and projects that impact our environment and our community, human beings as such,” he commented.

For your part Rodrigo Ramírez, from the National Association of Recyclers, hopes that “this will be the beginning of the articulation of the different recycling chains of the city, on the part of the generators, the recyclers, the State, the control entities and the media to help us to disseminate this important process of improvement in the provision of the utilization service and the increase in the volumes that we aim to recover.”

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The Recycling Board is chaired by the Government of Córdoba and its members will meet every two months, with the option of calling extraordinary sessions. The technical secretariat is carried out by the Environmental Corporation of the Sinú and San Jorge Valleys, CVS, and is supported by Ekored, a company in the industrial sector.

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