There are 150 properties taken over in Santa Cruz, but only 20% were evicted; The Government admits delays in judicial processes

There are 150 properties taken over in Santa Cruz, but only 20% were evicted; The Government admits delays in judicial processes
There are 150 properties taken over in Santa Cruz, but only 20% were evicted; The Government admits delays in judicial processes

Until now, Only 20% of the properties taken over by irregular groups have been recovered in the department of Santa Cruz. This information was revealed by Richard Paz, vice president of the Association of Oilseed and Wheat Producers (Anapo), in an interview with the program First thing in the morning, which is broadcast by EL DEBER Radio.

Recently, the Police evicted five productive ranches that were invaded by irregular groups dedicated to land trafficking, according to investigations carried out by the law enforcement institution. However, there are still many properties to recover.

In total, according to Paz, there are 150 properties —between small, medium and large— that they were taken by these groups, but only between 20 and 30 have been recovered. The vice president of Anapo stressed the importance of continuing with these operations to restore order and legality in the agricultural sector.

“Yesterday (Wednesday) The operation was carried out with around 250 or 300 police officersand well, it was possible to recover the properties and leave them in the hands of the true and legitimate owners, who are dedicated to the production of grains,” he said.

He added that The illegal occupation of titled properties has generated great disorder and has seriously affected producers. “These people have no reason to enter properties that are titled, which marks total disorder and misgovernment,” he said.

Processes and complaints

On the subject, the Deputy Minister of the Interior RegimeJhonny Aguilera, in an interview with the program Influencerswhich is broadcast by EL DEBER Radio, He said he was unaware of the complaints on the more than 100 properties that are in the hands of oppressors.

During his speech, he mentioned that many times those affected do not report these crimes. Nevertheless, He assured that the Government will not tolerate these types of acts. “The participation of the true government (in the eviction of properties) and the awareness of those who, being victims, do not report, are important. You tell me that there are 100 properties enslaved; I don’t know about those complaints“, he pointed.

Aguilera acknowledged that impunity continues to be a problem due to the slowdown in judicial processesbut he stressed that this is not the responsibility of the Ministry of Government, but of the judicial system and the Public Ministry.

Even so, he insisted on the importance of collaboration between different State entities to effectively confront these crimes.

The vice minister asked the victims of assaults to collaborate with evidence during the operations, facilitating the capture and conviction of those responsible. “It is essential that victims accumulate evidencenot only testimonials, but also video and audio, to ensure future convictions,” he indicated.

Despite these problems, Aguilera assured that the operations will continue. “There can be no peace for these criminal organizations. “We will continue to pursue them,” he emphasized. In addition, he denied that aggressors have not been prosecuted in the past, mentioning that there are at least six or seven people convicted for these events.

Also read


In 2023, 237 invasions were recorded throughout the country, but only 36 evictions were carried out

The department of Santa Cruz is the most affected, but the lack of control and intervention of the authorities to stop the problem causes land conflicts also in Beni, Cochabamba and other departments.

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