After insults to Boric: José Miguel Insulza (PS) compares Diosdado Cabello to a pig | National

After insults to Boric: José Miguel Insulza (PS) compares Diosdado Cabello to a pig | National
After insults to Boric: José Miguel Insulza (PS) compares Diosdado Cabello to a pig | National

Despite being recurrent, the insults of Diosdado Cabello, considered the “number two” of the Chavista regime, to President Gabriel Boric, in his program “have not gone unnoticed.”With the gavel giving”.

The deputy of the Venezuelan National Assembly described the Chilean president as “dumb,” since “he messes with Venezuela and is incapable of governing his own country. Furthermore, he accused President Boric of having “the Mapuche brothers imprisoned, he does not do justice, and he is going to come to talk about human rights in Venezuela.”

The Executive reacted through the Minister of the Interior, Carolina Tohá. The chief of staff pointed out that in “Chile we do not insult the authorities of other countries, and we always respect the institution of the presidency.” There were also reactions in the ruling party. One of them came from an old acquaintance in Caracas, the socialist senator José Miguel Insulza, president of the Foreign Relations commission of the Upper House.

The onslaught

The parliamentarian did not keep his anger when asked by Radio Bío Bío about these statements. The former chancellor minimized the figure of Cabello, pointing out that “he is not the number two of the regime”, but rather “he is a person who, in general, is out of the picture”, since “there has never been a greater willingness in Venezuela to appoint him in some more important position.”

On that basis, Insulza called to use the Venezuelan deputy’s own words: “When he referred to President Boric, he said that he doesn’t care about anything, nothing, I say that we should not care about Cabello anything, nothing.” But not only that.

Then, the socialist senator attacked Diosdado Cabello, with a saying in which he personified him as a pig: “Remember the phrase that when you roll in the mud with a pig, the truth is that the pig becomes very happy, and we We all came out muddy, so let’s not talk about Diosdado Cabello better.”

Hugo Chávez: “Insulza is a real asshole”

José Miguel Insulza is an old acquaintance of the Chavista regime. When he was secretary general of the Organization of American States (OAS), in 2007 he asked Hugo Chávez, then President of Venezuela, to review the decision not to renew the concession to Radio Caracas Televisión (RCTV, a private channel), since that “appears as a form of censorship against freedom of expression.”

This caused Chávez’s fury, and – in his style – he strongly targeted the socialist, pointing out that “the dull Dr. Insulza should be ashamed, he should resign from the OAS secretariat, Venezuela is free, gentleman (…) go with your ‘insultry’ somewhere else.” And in a memorable phrase, Chávez stated: “Wow, Dr. Insulza is a real idiot, a real idiot.”

Cross-cutting criticism of Diosdado Cabello

Diosdado Cabello’s insults caused various criticisms. The senator of National Renewal, Francisco Chahuán, member of the Foreign Relations commission, pointed out that the statements of the spokesperson of the Venezuelan dictatorship are “completely unacceptable,” adding that “a “dictatorship that harasses people is not going to come to give us lessons.” the opposition, which has generated the largest migratory crisis of this century on our continent, which has its people plunged into hunger and which harasses the opposition media.”

For his part, the socialist senator, Juan Luis Castro, said that “Chile has to take a path,” and called on the Government to act with “the same firmness” that was done against “Argentina for solar panels,” before “systematic grievances” by the Nicolás Maduro regime.

Castro was seconded by former deputy Jorge Tarud, now a Democrat member. The former ambassador also assured that with Venezuela “the Government of Chile has already turned both cheeks, what else are they going to show?” he asked, adding that “the Government has to take firm actions once and for all. Stop! “It’s enough that they make fun of Chile, of the country as a whole!”

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