“Rewards poverty and inequality policies in Argentina”

“Rewards poverty and inequality policies in Argentina”
“Rewards poverty and inequality policies in Argentina”

Shortly before his arrival in Madrid, Javier Milei received a new attack from the Spanish Government. This time, it was the Second Vice President and Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, who made reference to the medal that the head of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, will give to the Argentine president, who “squanders” all the social rights of Argentina .

“This is what the PP is doing in our country, reward those who lead to inequality and poverty in Argentinato those who are practicing the politics of pain,” said Díaz.

In the run-up to the libertarian’s arrival, the Spanish Executive regretted that the regional president of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, “displays profound disloyalty towards the institutions” for not informing him of her meeting with the Argentine president, to whom she will deliver a official distinction.

According to diplomatic sources, the Foreign Action and Service Law obliges the presidents of the autonomous communities, such as Díaz Ayuso, to inform the Ministry of Foreign Affairs when they meet with foreign leaders.

In this context, they considered that “it is surprising and anomalous” that Milei has not requested to meet with the head of the national Executive, the socialist Pedro Sánchez, on this visit to Spain nor on the previous one when he attended an event organized by the far-right party. Vox.

Milei during the Vox event in Madrid. Photo: Cézaro De Luca

After Milei requested an audience with King Felipe VI, but it was not granted in the midst of the conflict with Spain, the Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, stated this Friday that Spain “only has one foreign policy”which is coordinated with all State institutions, including the Royal House, and highlighted that the visit of the Argentine president is “private.”

Without a doubt this is a private visit, there is nothing official agenda than what I have known so far on that visit,” Albares responded during a press conference.


The Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, stressed that his country “only has one foreign policy” that is coordinated with all State institutions.

Milei will maintain his agenda this Friday in the Spanish city, where he will be decorated twice. The libertarian will receive the International Medal of the Community of Madrid, which will be awarded to him by Isabel Díaz Ayuso. In addition, he will participate in a ceremony, the Freedom Dinner, where he will be awarded the prize that the Juan de Mariana Institute gives to those who “defend the ideas of freedom.”

Sharing a conference with the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Qatar, Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al Thani, the Sánchez official indicated: “Spain only has one foreign policy and today Spain’s foreign policy is totally and exclusively focused on our Qatari friends and in that extraordinary relationship that we are achieving”.

“And since Spain only has one foreign policy, everything that concerns that foreign policy is carried out in coordination with the institutions of the State, including the Royal House,” the minister stated.

In this context, the Spanish Government stated that Milei “has shown a repeated attitude of seeking confrontation and offense” to Spanish institutions and democracy.

However, the Government trusts that the Argentine president “will live up to” his people and “respect Spanish institutions, as the head of state that he is.”

“He did not do it on his previous visit. We hope that it will be like this now, due to the good relationship and the fraternal and historical affection between both peoples,” they concluded.

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