Rolling rocks in Viña del Mar causes traffic restriction on Avenida España

Rolling rocks in Viña del Mar causes traffic restriction on Avenida España
Rolling rocks in Viña del Mar causes traffic restriction on Avenida España

What happened?

On this Friday morning, in the midst of the intense rains that the frontal system has left in the Valparaíso region, a roll of rocks was recorded on Avenida España, in the commune of Viña del Mar.

Due to the collapse, Carabineros personnel arrived at the scene and traffic should have been restricted.


What is known about rock rolling in Viña del Mar?

The incident occurred after a service center, which is located at Yolanda heightheading towards the center of Viña del Mar.

The rocks that fell occupy at least two lanes of the Avenue, so Carabineros is protecting the sector, and restricted the passage of cars along the affected tracks.

No injuries have been reported following the collapse.

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Power outages in some communes of Santiago

This Friday a frontal system arrived in the Metropolitan Region, which has left intense rains, a phenomenon that is usually accompanied by power outages.

In sectors of some communes there have already been power outages, so emergency crews from the electricity companies Enel and CGE are deployed to address these effects.

To know the communes of Santiago that have sectors without electricity supply, go here.

Warning for possible tornadoes in five regions

The Meteorological Directorate of Chile issued a warning for “probable development of convective clouds with tornadic characteristics” in five regions of the central-southern zone.

Specifically, the measure applies to the regions of Ñuble, Biobío, La Araucanía, Los Ríos and Los Lagos.

The notice has been in force since last Thursday night and will govern until this Friday night.

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