Government will give scholarships for this

Government will give scholarships for this
Government will give scholarships for this

The agreement, signed with the UNIR university of Spain, will allow access to the academic offer of related postgraduate courses in areas such as artificial intelligence, school coexistence and conflict resolution, among others.

The Atlantic Secretary of Education announced that 120 scholarships will be awarded for the teachers to do a master’s degree, in order to improve quality indices in the department’s educational establishments.

(New Colombia Mayor subsidy payment cycle begins in Barranquilla)

(Vamos Pa’l Barrio Fair, this Friday in the Bellarena neighborhood)

Secretary Leyton Barrios Torres made the announcement within the framework of the ‘II Meeting of Ibero-American Leaders for Education’: “Today we can report that we have obtained 120 scholarships in master’s studies for our teachers from the Atlántico department, through the International University of La Rioja in Spain (UNIR) and the Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI).”

The Spanish university institution presents its academic offerings in areas such as artificial intelligence, school coexistence and conflict resolution; among other. There are more than 30 master’s degrees that the institution has, which will be defined once the agreement is signed between the Ministry of Education and the higher education institution.

(Public calamity expanded due to damage caused by the rains in Malambo)

“Following the instructions of the governor Eduardo Summer We have insisted that our teachers must receive more training, so they can offer quality education and, consequently, our children, adolescents and young people can have a well-structured education and foundations for their near future. This is Atlantic for the world and we are working in that direction from the Certified Territorial Entity of the Atlantic,” said Barrios.

In the search to strengthen the competencies of educators, the ETC Atlantic has been promoting actions to strengthen the teacher training process. It should be noted that 330 teachers were selected to participate in the training courses carried out through a strategic alliance with the Universidad del Norte, within the framework of the national call led by the Ministry of Education. On this occasion, the Atlantic was the territory of the Caribbean region that obtained the largest number of places for educators in early childhood education, basic primary and first grade of basic secondary education.

(The families of Colombia have a lot to thank Sarmiento Angulo: Char)

In the coming days, another training process will be announced for 70 teachers of the department within the framework of the Ten-Year Bilingualism Plan.

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