pain and sorrow in the neighborhood and in the school the little ones attended

The death of the three children occurred yesterday morning in the Tiro Federal neighborhood It would have originated in a short circuit that was generated in one of the rooms located in the house on Ameghino Street, a few meters from the intersection with Colón., in the northern area of ​​Roca, according to police sources reported this morning. While the neighbors could not get over their astonishment at the tragedy that impacted the neighbors and especially the Verdugo family.

Yesterday it was learned that his parents – Juan Verdugo and Débora Gómez – were discharged after spending a few hours hospitalized at the Francisco López Lima hospital. And this afternoon the remains of Agustina (9), Mia (3) and Etian (2) Verdugo were scheduled to be buried in the municipal cemetery..

The children were trapped inside the house located meters from Prison 2, in Roca. Photo courtesy of Roca firefighters

The family was well-known and Mia – 9 years old – attended School 323, which is located a few blocks away. On Wednesday there was sworn the flag and was a very loved, happy girl recognized by the rest of her classmates. Some neighbors consulted by this means said. Another of the children attended one of the institution’s kindergartens, according to sources from the institution.

What do the first tests say?

From what could be known and according to the first tests carried out by theThe experts inside the house, the fire would have been generated by a short circuit in the electrical system. Perhaps it could have been an electric stove since the neighbors did not have a mains gas system.

Despite of efforts of parents and neighbors, nothing could be done to save the little ones who had been trapped in the middle of the smoke and flames that broke out after 9:30 in the house where the family lived.

The accident occurred around 9 o’clock and according to the first tests carried out, the fire would have originated from a short circuit. Photo courtesy of Roca firefighters

By force of blows, several people managed to knock down a wall and remove all the children who were immediately transferred to the Francisco López Lima hospital aboard several police vehicles that had arrived at the scene. But nothing could be done to save the lives of the little ones since the inhalation of smoke added to the temperature generated inside the house, left them without any chance of survival..

The director of the Francisco López Lima de Roca hospital, Silvana Aguilar, commented to RÍO NEGRO Diary that the staff received the children in the morning in a state of “very severe asphyxiation due to smoke poisoningimpossible to reverse.”

Prosecutor Norma Reyes is in charge of the investigation and there are still several actions to carry out, judicial sources reported. who assured that the investigations have not yet been completed inside the home.

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