Gustavo Sáenz delivered the Güemes Pact to Javier Milei | The Nation seeks the definitive approval of the Base Law and the Fiscal Package

Gustavo Sáenz delivered the Güemes Pact to Javier Milei | The Nation seeks the definitive approval of the Base Law and the Fiscal Package
Gustavo Sáenz delivered the Güemes Pact to Javier Milei | The Nation seeks the definitive approval of the Base Law and the Fiscal Package

He Governor of Salta, Gustavo Sáenz, met with President Javier Milei and presented him with the Güemes Pact, document that proposes a new federal tax sharing regime, vindicates the Bioceanic Corridor project and the need for the continuity of works considered priorities for the growth of the region. He was accompanied by the leaders of Tucumán, Osvaldo Jaldo; from Catamarca, Raul Jaliland from Jujuy, Carlos Sadir.

Although the main motivation of the national government was to consolidate support for the final approval of the Base Law and the Fiscal Package, the governor of Salta took the opportunity to deliver a copy of the Güemes Pact, which finally added the signatures of the governors present and by Gerardo Zamora, from Santiago del Estero. The Secretary General of the Presidency also participated in the meeting, Karina Milei, and the Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francos.

The letter had already been received by the vice president Victoria Villarruelon June 17, when he arrived in the province to participate in the events for the anniversary of the death of Martín Miguel de Güemes.

The meeting at Casa Rosada took place as soon as the President arrived from the official events that were held in Rosario, for Flag Day. After the meeting, which lasted about 40 minutes, The governor of Salta emphasized that the Güemes Pact “does not address political issues, but rather guidelines that are inalienable and non-negotiable for the future and progress of our province and the region.””. Along these lines, he pointed out the need to continue the “works necessary for the growth of our region.”

“The Argentine North is a land of opportunities, it has everything that the world demands and what the country needs to move forward,” Sáenz insisted. Words that he has been saying since the presentation of the Güemes Pact, on May 21. However, the kickoff for The formulation of this Pact was given by the national Executive when, in December of last year, it paralyzed the sending of funds for public works that were already being carried out or were planned for the Salta territory. Precisely, the document insists on the demand that the national government distribute these funds.

Governor Sáenz considered that “it is essential that the national and provincial governments work together for the aggrandizement of the country. This was what Güemes expected: a united Argentina to move forward”. The government of Salta maintained that the Pact expresses the need for national financing to advance essential and priority works and services for the growth of Salta, such as those linked to human and productive development infrastructure, including roads, housing, schools. , gas pipelines, railway branches, treatment plants.

In that sense, the province recalled that the Bioceanic Corridor aims to provide an outlet for the regional economies of the NOA and NEA for commercial exchange with the world, aiming at the development of provincial areas that were historically relegated.

Sáenz was in Casa Rosada two weeks ago, when he signed three agreements with the Ministry of Public Works; the Secretariat of Territorial Development, Habitat and Housing and the Ministry of Human Capital and its Secretary of Educationfor the reactivation of works. It was officially reported that the investment exceeds $300 billionamong the works that will continue to be financed by the Nation, those that will be in charge of the province and those that are carried out directly with the municipalities.

During the events for Güemes, the governor considered that the reactivated works “are fundamental” for Salta.

Sáenz has been giving his support to the national government, even with the vote of Salta legislators for the Bases Law.

Consolidate support

The meeting between Milei and the governors was arranged by the Chief of Staff, the person in charge of negotiating with the “dialogue” opposition the definitive support for the Bases Law and the Fiscal Package. The provincial leaders expressed their support for both projects, but requested that the Chamber of Deputies of the Nation insist on the restitution of the fourth category of the Income Tax.

This is because the article that restores the Income Tax was approved in the Deputies but rejected in the Senate, which ended up generating divisions in Peronism, radicalism and what was Together for Change. lThe governors of the North consider that the reinstatement of this tax would have a strong impact on the coffers of their provinces, since these are co-shareable funds.. While in Patagonia they oppose this measure, given that a large part of their population would be affected by the tribute.

After the modifications in the Senate, The Lower House has to sign or reject the project received. In the latter case, you would have to propose voting on the original opinion, given that the articles linked to this tax were eliminated in the Upper House. The La Libertad Avanza bloc is confident that with its allies they will be able to reach the necessary number to impose the original version of the bill. The same would happen with Personal Assets and with privatizations. Therefore, Francos continues negotiating with the “dialogue” sectors so that the Bases Law and the Fiscal Package have definitive approval.

Another topic that was discussed at the meeting was Large Investment Incentive Regime (RIGI), which is contemplated in the Base Law. Also in this case the governors gave him their support. They assured that its implementation is vital for the northern provinces, especially for those that are rich in lithium deposits, as is the case of Jujuy, Salta and Catamarca. At the time, while the Regime was being discussed in the Senate, Sáenz had requested that the modifications that were being discussed not affect mining in the province, a situation that was even discussed at the Lithium Table.

In the general vote in Deputies, Salta contributed 6 votes in favor of the Base Law, of the 7 seats it has. Carlos Zapata, María Emilia Orozco and Julio Moreno (La Libertad Avanza), and Pamela Calleti, Pablo Outes and Yolanda Vega (Federal Innovation) voted in favor. Only Emiliano Estrada (Unión por la Patria) voted against.

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