registry, candidates, single ballot and scrutiny

He Sunday, June 23, the municipal election is held in Río Cuarto to define the next mayor or mayor of the alternate capital. There are 10 candidates in the race. In addition, 19 councilors and 4 tribune of accounts are renewed.

From the Municipal Electoral Board they indicated that they are 138,880 people qualified to vote. They are residents over 16 years of age, Argentine and foreign, residing in the city, who will be able to attend between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. to cast their vote in the different educational and institutional establishments that will be open for this purpose.

The candidates are:

  • Adriana Nazario (The Force of the Southern Empire)
Adriana Nazario, candidate for mayor closing campaign in Plaza Alberdi, Río Cuarto (Tomy Fragueiro / La Voz)
  • Guillermo De Rivas (We Unite for Río Cuarto)
Fourth quarter. Guillermo de Rivas, the official candidate.
  • Gonzalo Parodi (First River IV)
Parodi-Abrile. The radical pairing that seeks a place in Río Cuarto's Mojica Chair (Tomy Fragueiro/La Voz).
Parodi-Abrile. The radical pairing that seeks a place in Río Cuarto’s Mojica Chair (Tomy Fragueiro/La Voz).
  • Gustavo Dovis (Humanist Party)
Gustavo Dovis (Humanist Party).
Gustavo Dovis (Humanist Party).
  • Andrea Casero (Córdoba Neighborhood Meeting)
Andrea Casero (Córdoba Neighborhood Meeting). Candidate for mayor.
Andrea Casero (Córdoba Neighborhood Meeting). Candidate for mayor.
  • Nicolás Forlani (Respect)
Nicolás Forlani (Respect Party- Viva Río Cuarto). Candidate for mayor (Tomy Fragueiro/La Voz).
Nicolás Forlani (Respect Party- Viva Río Cuarto). Candidate for mayor (Tomy Fragueiro/La Voz).
  • Lorena Rojas (Unit Left Front)
Lorena Rojas (Left Front and Unity Workers Front).
Lorena Rojas (Left Front and Unity Workers Front).
  • Rolando Hurtado Dianderas (PRO)
Fourth quarter. Rolando Hurtado, PRO candidate.
Fourth quarter. Rolando Hurtado, PRO candidate.
  • Mario Lamberghini (Libertarian)
UNRC. Mario Lamberghini, the libertarian candidate.
UNRC. Mario Lamberghini, the libertarian candidate.
  • Pablo Carrizo (Developmental Consciousness)
Pablo Carrizo (Developmental Consciousness).
Pablo Carrizo (Developmental Consciousness).

Friday, June 21, 2024, 2:27 p.m.

Scrutiny and results in Río Cuarto

The operation will begin on Saturday, June 22, with the deployment of the ballot boxes in the 46 voting centers. On Sunday the 23rd, the table authorities must go to the establishments 15 minutes before the tables open, that is, at 7:45. There, the Public Electoral Prosecutor will deliver the ballot box with all the electoral elements, such as the registry and the unique voting ballots, to each authority.

Then, said authority will go to its station and begin to receive voters,” reported Fernando Pérez, secretary of the Municipal Electoral Board (JEM).

The counting will begin at 6 p.m. and he indicated that the first results will be at 7:30 p.m.

“By contract, the company in charge of the electoral service should provide significant data at 7:30 p.m. to start transmitting. At the same time, also by contract, at 8:30 p.m. at least 70% of the tables counted must be loaded. A public limited company that works together with the Andreani company will be in charge of the process,” Pérez pointed out.

Fourth quarter. Vote on Sunday, June 23.
Fourth quarter. Vote on Sunday, June 23.

Friday, June 21, 2024, 2:24 p.m.

Delivery of documents in Río Cuarto

The Civil Registry Center will open on the weekend so that people can look for the identification they processed to be able to vote. The operation is from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m..

Fourth quarter. Voting takes place on Sunday, June 23 (Courtesy).
Fourth quarter. Voting takes place on Sunday, June 23 (Courtesy).

Friday, June 21, 2024, 2:23 p.m.

Electoral register in Río Cuarto

The Board has already posted the final registry on the website so that the residents of Río Cuarto, with the number of their identity document, can know in which polling station they vote, because they present modifications with respect to the elections held during 2023.

In it following link the query can be made.

Fourth quarter. You can now consult the electoral roll for the June 23 election (Capture).
Fourth quarter. You can now consult the electoral roll for the June 23 election (Capture).

Friday, June 21, 2024, 2:21 p.m.

Single ballot to be used on Sunday the 23rd

The Municipal Electoral Board (JEM) announced the single ballot to be used during voting and in what order the candidates appear.

Single ticket. Which will be used in the municipal election of Río Cuarto (Courtesy).
Single ticket. Which will be used in the municipal election of Río Cuarto (Courtesy).

Friday, June 21, 2024, 2:19 p.m.

How many tables are there enabled for voting?

420 tables enabled to vote in Río Cuarto. One of them for foreign people who live in the alternate capital.

They will be distributed in 46 establishments: 43 schools and the rest will operate in the Banda Norte Club, in the San Pablo neighborhood and in the Community Integration Center (CIC) in the Alberdi neighborhood.

Friday, June 21, 2024, 2:18 p.m.

Importance of the election in Río Cuarto for the Province and Nation

The alternate capital votes on June 23. Since it issued its Organic Charter and separated its electoral calendar, the Río Cuarto elections are the first electoral test for the new provincial and national administrations.

Analysis. Mathematics “kills” politics: why in Río Cuarto do you win with 30 points?

Fourth quarter. Doubts about the participation, division of the PJ and the precedent of the triumphs of Judge and Milei

Fourth quarter. Llaryora plays his cards and opponents prioritize localism

Elections in Río Cuarto. There is a father for victory and another for defeat

Final stretch. Río Cuarto will define the successor of Juan Manuel Llamosas (Courtesy).
Final stretch. Río Cuarto will define the successor of Juan Manuel Llamosas (Courtesy).
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