Boos to Petro in Cauca for not listening to leaders

The moment in which several Cauca leaders shouted at President Gustavo Petro was recorded on video, complaining to him for not listening to them in the middle of the presentation of the Cauca Mission.

In Popayán, Cauca, President Gustavo Petro was rebuked by leaders of the department who, shouting, asked him to listen to them for being the main victims of the armed conflict in that department and for the terrorist escalation of the FARC dissidents in that area. from the country. The president, however, left the place.

President Petro’s intervention lasted approximately one hour at the Casa de la Moneda Convention Center in Popayán, in the middle of the launch of the Cauca Mission. From early on there was unrest because, apparently, there was no authorization for several department leaders to enter the premises; However, the president was already speaking when they finally entered.

Once President Petro finished his speech, the screams of these social leaders immediately began complaining to the president because he did not listen to them, all this despite the fact that they are the main ones affected by the conflict. “The president cannot retire without speaking to those affected by this conflict,” said some of the attendees.

Finally, President Petro stayed a few more minutes at the venue, but took some photos and left without listening to these leaders, despite being the main ones affected by the conflict and the terrorist attacks by the FARC dissidents in Cauca. .


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