How the Government will work against possible errors in breathalyzers

How the Government will work against possible errors in breathalyzers
How the Government will work against possible errors in breathalyzers

In this context, from the Provincial Road Safety Agency (APSV) clarified how they seek to apply the Zero Alcohol Law in our province and what are the central aspects to take into account so that the measurement of breathalyzers is optimal and represents safety for drivers and control agents.

“The regulation of the law is very important, on which we are working hard, to respect rights and guarantee that it is a good law,” he said in AIR the director of APSV Road Observatory, Sebastian Kelman.

READ MORE ► Segmented fines and resubmitting your driver’s license: the details of the Zero Alcohol law being debated in the Santa Fe Legislature

Zero Alcohol in Santa Fe: the margin of error of the breathalyzers will be considered

When asked about the controversy generated regarding the effectiveness of breathalyzers, Kelman was clear. First of all, he recalled that according to Argentine legislation, the measurements “they have an established margin of error that is 0.042 and also, according to the INTI (National Institute of Industrial Technology), the maximum error of approved equipment is 0.008″.

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Breathalyzers have a small margin of error, but the Government will anticipate these types of situations.

“Although the possibility of error is minimal, We contemplate these possibilities and it is only from there that a fine will be established, so people’s guarantees are safeguarded by this INTI certification.“, held.

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Zero Alcohol in Santa Fe: in some cases, a countertest may be requested

On the other hand, the official announced that a counterproof: “We are going to enable, for particular cases where a person claims not to have drunk alcohol, a 20-minute retest.”

“This is a possibility for specific cases, where the person firmly assures that he did not drink, and a countertest is carried out. The Highway Police will be instructed to do it,” he noted.

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Zero Alcohol in Santa Fe: approved breathalyzers

Kelman, finally, highlighted the fact that “all breathalyzers used by the APSV need to have approvals every six months.”

“This certificate is recorded on a label that the INTI places on the devices and can be seen at each control. When any citizen is subjected to a breathalyzer control, they can see on the back an INTI label that guarantees that this breathalyzer was approved and verified every six months,” he explained.

And he closed: “In each violation report there are the numbers and codes of each speedometer. That is the case and it will continue to be that way.”

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