Mendoza under alert for wind and snow: what the forecast says for this Saturday

He forecast Extended Climate Contingencies forecast a partially cloudy day with little change in temperature for this Saturday in Mendoza.

In addition, it announced “moderate southeasterly winds, isolated rainfall and intense snowfall in the mountains.” A minimum of 4ºC and a maximum of 15ºC is expected.

While the National Metereological Service (SMN), through its Alert Early on, it issued yellow and orange level warnings for winds and snowfall in the Mendoza mountain range.

Yellow alert for snowfall

“The mountain area will be affected by persistent snowfall, at times intense. Accumulated snow values ​​between 40 and 80 cm high are expected, and may be locally higher. It should be noted that the situation will be accompanied by intense winds that may cause reduced visibility due to suspended snow, especially in high mountain ranges,” the SMN detailed.

And they added: “In the south of Mendoza the accumulated snow values ​​will be lower and rains cannot be ruled out in the lower areas.”

SMN Alert Map

Orange alert for snowfall

Meanwhile, they explained that “the area will be affected by intense and persistent snowfall. Accumulated snow values ​​between 80 and 180 cm are expected. throughout the alert period, and can be overcome in a localized manner. The highest values ​​are estimated in the mountain area of ​​the center and south of Mendoza. It should be noted that the situation will be accompanied by intense winds that may cause reduced visibility due to suspended snow, particularly in high mountain ranges.”

Wind alert

“The mountain area will be affected by winds from the west with speeds between 60 and 75 km/h, with gusts that can exceed 110 km/h, especially in the highest areas. In the foothills areas the speeds will be lower,” indicated the national body.

SMN Alert Map


  • Avoid outdoor activities.
  • Secure items that could fly away.
  • Stay informed by authorities.
  • Always have an emergency backpack ready with a flashlight, radio, documents and telephone.


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