Italian students raise their voices in support of Cuba › World › Granma

Italian students raise their voices in support of Cuba › World › Granma
Italian students raise their voices in support of Cuba › World › Granma

The Network of High School Students, one of the largest Italian youth groups, raises its voice again today in support of Cuba, and condemns the unilateral measures of the North American government against that country.

In the final declaration of the V Congress of the Rome High School Students Network, which ended the day before in this capital, the members of that group expressed their total solidarity with that nation, “denouncing the vile actions carried out by Western governments.” , and mainly by the United States” against him.

The document demands the end of the US economic, commercial and financial blockade against the Cuban people, an action that they describe as “unjustified, unacceptable and terrible, which violates the guarantee of human rights.”

Alejandro Betancourt, third secretary in charge of Press and Cultural Affairs, participated as a guest at that event, representing the Cuban Embassy in Italy, and conveyed greetings from the head of that diplomatic mission, Mirta Granda, and recalled that the Revolution in your country was made by young people.

The assault on the Moncada Barracks in 1953, the beginning of the last stage of the liberation feat, was commanded by Fidel Castro, when he was only 26 years old, an action whose intellectual author was the Cuban national hero, José Martí, who when he died in combat He was only 42 years old, he noted.

Betancourt referred to the particularities of the Cuban revolutionary process, its humanism, which does not export weapons but doctors, who provided their solidarity help during the Covid-19 pandemic in the Italian cities of Crema and Turin, as almost 300 professionals do today. of health in the southern region of Calabria.

He spoke about the particularities of the cruel North American blockade and thanked those attending this congress for their condemnation of actions of this type against their people, while at the same time he wished them success in their purposes, in the fight for a better world for the construction of which, according to He said, “we need young people like you.” Marco Papacci, president of the National Association of Italy-Cuba Friendship (Anaic), also participated in the event, highlighting that young Cubans live under the daily difficulties caused by the blockade and, despite everything, they are happy, fighters, and revolutionaries. , educated, and today they hold many positions in the country.

In the final declaration, signed by the organization’s coordinator, Ricardo Virgili, it is stated that “Cuba, the island example of virtue, after more than 60 years of the Revolution, continues to be for us today a glorious example of the fight for justice.” , peace, freedom.

Its “elimination from the infamous list of countries supposed to sponsor terrorism” is demanded, a measure aimed at further suffocating the Cuban economy, implemented by the United States, authors of wars and destruction in the world, and without any legitimacy for an action. of that type” against the Antillean country.

We must put an end to this vile policy against Cuba, and it will be our mission to continue that battle in Italy, the young participants in that congress finally reaffirmed in the document.

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