Dengue Alert! 40% of the department’s cases are registered in Montería

Dengue Alert! 40% of the department’s cases are registered in Montería
Dengue Alert! 40% of the department’s cases are registered in Montería

40% of dengue cases in Córdoba are registered in Montería

The departmental Health Secretariat reported that Montería represents almost 40% of dengue cases in the department of Córdoba.

Elkin Monterrosa Vergara, entomologist at the Departmental Health Secretariat of the Government, assured that there is constant surveillance of new vectors that are introduced to the department and that can transmit other diseases.

“In this case we found in the municipality of Montería, through the larvitraps placed in different neighborhoods in the month of May, the famous aedes albopictus. This mosquito had not been reported in the municipality of Montería, it had already been found in five municipalities in the south of Córdoba, however we had not yet identified it in the middle Sinú and lower Sinú,” he explained.

According to data from the municipal Health Secretariat, the livestock capital concentrates 853 of the 2,113 confirmed cases of dengue in the entire department. This high incidence has led authorities to redouble their efforts to control the spread of the virus.

The Ministry of Health has reported on the detection of the Aedes albopictus mosquito in Montería and five other municipalities in the south of Córdoba. This mosquito, which can reproduce in both clean and dirty waters, has posed a new challenge for dengue control in the region.

Symptoms associated with dengue

The symptoms that should set off the alarm are: high fever for more than three days, muscle and bone pain, nausea or vomiting, skin rashes, pain behind the eyes. If you see these symptoms, consult your doctor and do not self-medicate.

Measures to prevent dengue

1- Eliminate mosquito breeding sites such as tires, lids, puddles and points where water stagnates.

2-Keep pools and water tanks covered and wash them every 8 days.

3-Use repellent.

4- Install mosquito nets, especially in rural areas

5- Drain the water that is stored in vacant lots and keep them free of weeds

According to the Epidemiological Surveillance System, as of week 23, 2,113 cases of dengue have been reported in the department of Córdoba, of which two deaths have been confirmed by the National Institute of Health.

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