Qualified professionals in agri-food, metal or technology, profiles sought for jobs in La Rioja

Qualified professionals in agri-food, metal or technology, profiles sought for jobs in La Rioja
Qualified professionals in agri-food, metal or technology, profiles sought for jobs in La Rioja


Qualified professionals in the agri-food sector, industry in general and technology companies are some of the main profiles sought for jobs in La Rioja, and which, on the other hand, are difficult to find, according to data from the latest Infoempleo Adecco report.

According to this study, “The Rioja labor market is going through a positive moment, with a falling unemployment rate and a notable increase in employment“. But, “despite this good context, For years, companies have been experiencing a problem that is becoming more and more accentuated: the lack of certain profiles that they need to cover.

So, The report indicates that 44.8% of the businessmen and managers consulted believe that this talent shortage is due to the lack of profiles consistent with the positions that really need to be filled, while another 35% speak of a lack of adequate training.

In the Riojan autonomy there are six sectors that currently have positions that are difficult to fill and that are seeking more profiles.

For a start, A sector that employs a large active population and is a fundamental pillar of the Riojan economy is the agri-food sector. In the region, this industry contributes almost 20% of the Gross Added Value and more than 15% of its employment.

The different fruit and vegetable campaigns, the winery industry and canning companies, and the operation of livestock farms mean that food handlers, production workers, packers, waiters, workers are frequently sought. warehouse workers, forklift drivers and warehouse forklift drivers.

When you talk about shortage of talent in the industrial sector, there are several profiles that stand out above the others, almost regardless of the branch of activity: maintenance technicians, technical profiles (for mechanics, mechatronics, electronics, electricity…), plumbers/as , welders and electricians.

This lack of talent is motivated by a mix between the few qualified and experienced professionals that exist, necessary so that the activity of the companies does not cease as they carry out preventive and corrective maintenance on the production lines, and the high mobility of these profiles for salary reasons derived precisely from this mismatch between offer and demandaccording to Adecco.

It is also about profiles with high demand in the rest of the autonomous communities, which further accentuates this shortage. If we add to that the lack of generational change due to it being a sector that does not attract young people, a notable imbalance occurs between demand and supply..

To this we must add the shortage of certain profiles linked to the metal industry, very present in the Riojan market with more than 600 companies and more than 7,000 employed workers. Professionals such as assemblers and machinists are regularly sought after.


He The Rioja IT sector also needs to incorporate profiles at almost any level: programmers, network experts, Big Data experts, cybersecurity profiles, web developers and system support profiles. The main obstacle in the region to fill these positions is the highly qualified profile involved..

IT profiles have in common the need to have higher education (whether engineering, degree or Vocational Training) that is very specific and constantly evolving (although more and more people are opting for other types of training such as bootcamps or similar to try to alleviate this training gap).

The Technological profiles, generally scarce in the market, enjoy practically full employment and are part of a prototype of candidates who work on projects, hence the difficulty in recruiting new professionals.

To all this, the Adecco report adds, we must add the gender gap that this sector experiences, since it is not able to attract female talent to its positions despite the salaries and the number of vacant offers.

On the side of the services, the contact center sector is in continuous search for customer service teleoperators. Over the last few years, there have been several large-volume selection processes open in autonomy to recruit candidates with this profile..

Lastly, the The distribution and retail sector is demanding profiles such as promoters, shop assistants and delivery drivers. These professions have greater demand than supply, which is why they are always highly sought after positions in La Rioja.

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