Two governors confirmed that they will go to the pact called by Javier Milei for July 9

Two governors confirmed that they will go to the pact called by Javier Milei for July 9
Two governors confirmed that they will go to the pact called by Javier Milei for July 9

During the official ceremony for the Flag Day, Javier Milei He summoned former presidents and governors to celebrate the May Pact, an invitation that had been made in the opening speech of the ordinary sessions in Congress but was postponed due to the delay in the Bases law. In this context, two governors have already confirmed their presence at the ceremony held by the President on July 9 in Tucumán, for Independence Day.

Is about Maximiliano Pullaro (Santa Fe) and Martín Llaryora (Córdoba). The first, however, announced that he will seek to include some items in the list projected by the President.

The word of Maximiliano Pullaro

“As governor of Santa Fe we will try to score some points, such as strengthening the productive system. Argentina always came out ahead when the countryside and the industry did well. And we also want to strengthen the educational system because we need education to deploy our full potential,” he mentioned.

Pullaro was at the event on Thursday with Milei, before the president received four governors from the North at the Casa Rosada: Carlos Sadir (Jujuy); Gustavo Saenz (Jump); Osvaldo Jaldo (Tucumán); and Raul Jalil (Catamarca), who expressed their support for the final approval of the Base Law and the fiscal package.

“I didn’t have the chance to say this to Milei in private, but I said it in the speech and he was by my side. He listened “said Pullaro in reference to the proposals that he will try to include in the pact.

Furthermore, with a view to the session scheduled for Thursday in Deputies, he announced that the legislators of the UCR They will accompany Earnings and Personal Assets. “In Profits we must insist on what came out of Deputies in the first sanction of the law,” he mentioned in Radio Miter.

“On Tuesday I meet with De Loredo to take our look at him. With the RIGI we agree with what the Senate modified, and on the tax issue we are in favor of what came from the Deputies.”

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Maximiliano Pullaro was with Javier Milei on Thursday for Flag Day

Martín Llaryora: “We are going to accompany the President”

Later, Llaryora also confirmed his presence on July 9. “We are going to accompany President Javier Milei in the signing of the agreement. We had planned to do it in Córdoba, on May 25. Unfortunately, it was not possible, but of course I will be on July 9, in Tucumán,” he said.

“In a time of crisis like the one we have, we must be more together than ever, pulling in the same direction. I always think about adding, not subtracting. I think you have to be part of the solution, not the problem,” said the Cordoba president during an event in the town of Balnearia.

And continued: “It is good that in Argentina we can have 10 points of agreement on which to get to work”added the governor, while affirming that some points of the agreement are already fulfilled in the province of Córdoba.

“When one says about working together between the public and the private, in Córdoba this is constant. We have been doing the fiscal surplus for more than 20 years. Honor our debts and our commitments; promote exports”, he concluded Llaryora.

May Pact: what premises did Javier Milei raise?

Initially, in his speech before the Legislative Assembly on March 1, the president called on the 23 provinces and the City of Buenos Aires to sign “a new founding pact” for the country.

The initiative was embodied in a ten-point agreement for “the reconstruction of the foundations of Argentina,” and the President made its completion – originally scheduled for May 25 – subject to to the approval of the Bases Law and then called it “a new fiscal pact.”

Among the items that Milei mentioned in the composition of May Pactthey appear “the non-negotiable fiscal balance”; “the reduction of public spending to historic levels, around 25% of the Gross Domestic Product”; and “a tax reform that reduces tax pressure“, simplify the lives of Argentines and promote commerce.”

Both the law that concentrates the bulk of the economic plan that the Government intends to promote and the fiscal package will be discussed again in Deputiesafter the modifications they underwent in the Senate as part of the official strategy to achieve its approval.


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