Sold out tickets, luxury repertoires and a little cold: this is how the quartet night was experienced in Córdoba

Saturday night was a unique evening at La Docta. Hundreds of dancers mobilized throughout the city and they threw out the forbidden ones in the different dances in the best cuartetero style. At the end of the respective presentations the cold made itself felt and the most “handsome” ones quickly went to the after-hours to warm up again.

+ SEE MORE: Magui Olave released “Ojos Verdes” recorded live in celebration of its 8th anniversary

La Costanera witnessed several caravans. Q’ Lokura shone in The Music Square and again it sold out. The fans did not stop dancing all night to the rhythm of a luxury repertoire.

The Band of Carlitos and Euge Quevedo They did their thing a few meters away. The lbcero people took over the Center Stadium, in which not even a pin could fit. Kesito and La Muela They gave a real dance and Euge’s last premiere played Forgive you, for what?

Daisy flower was not left behind and those present sang along Omega. The band of San Juan he excelled in the cradle of the quartet and shared the stage with Chipote. Hugo Flores It complemented perfectly with the Córdoba trio and its followers left with a “nochesón” to remember.

+ VIDEO: The dances that were felt in La Costanera:

The voice of the Pepa Brizuela It couldn’t be missed on a weekend full of quartet. The bar was presented at the University cafeteria and fans of different generations danced alongside one of the bands with the longest history on the circuit.

The Monkey It was another of the groups that “said presence” in the city. Jose Sarmiento sang great quartet hits in The Belgrano Society and his charisma was the protagonist of a tremendous show.

+ VIDEO: Paper love – The Monkey:

Other locations

Buenos Aires and other towns in the interior of the country were not left without their dose of excitement. The Crazy Lover was presented in The tornado and his characteristic voice was felt among dancers throughout Argentina.

Vacomoloko he climbed the boards in San Francisco, DesaKAta2 in Wenceslao Escalante, Cute in Caroya Colony, The Herreras in The Rioja and Dale Q’ Va Chamical.

Despite the winter, the Córdoba genre spread across different parts of the country, demonstrating once again the great moment it is going through.

+ VIDEO: The quartet outside Córdoba Capital:

Dances outside cba


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