Scholz asks Milei that his reforms do not break social cohesion in Argentina

After his meeting in Berlin this Sunday with Javier Milei, the Chancellor of Germany, Olaf Scholz, recommended to the president of Argentina that he accompany his radical economic reform plan with a parallel regulation of socially acceptable policies, according to what the Foreign Ministry spokesperson announced. Steffen Hebestreit. During the meeting, which lasted an hour, Scholz asked the South American president to do everything possible to protect social cohesion in his country.

The German politician received Milei at the Foreign Ministry headquarters in a visit without the usual military honors or joint press conference, at the request of the Argentine president, who usually avoids meetings with journalists. During the meeting between the two leaders, of clearly disparate ideologies, several dozen demonstrators protested in the street against the visit of the Argentine ultraliberal leader. They carried banners with slogans such as ‘Out Milei’.

The German chancellor and Milei agreed on the need for a rapid conclusion of the negotiations on a free trade agreement between the European Union and the South American bloc Mercosur, made up of Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. The compromise would create one of the largest free trade zones in the world, with more than 700 million inhabitants. However, the agreement in principle reached in 2019 has not been put into practice due to concerns, for example, over the protection of the rainforest.

Common position on Ukraine

Another common aspect between the two leaders was their position regarding the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. According to Hebestreit, both Milei and Scholz believe “that the Kremlin has it in its power to put an end to the invasion.”

During his stay in Germany, Milei visited the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, also known as the Holocaust Memorial, and received the award in Hamburg from the Friedrich August von Hayek Foundation, related to the far-right party Alternative for Germany (AfD).


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