Always defend the ethical and humanist values ​​of Cuban revolutionary Health

The role of the cadres, as an essential link in the defense of the ethical and humanist values ​​of Cuban revolutionary Health, focused the analysis of a working meeting held this Sunday with the provincial directors of Health, national institutions and the capital, of the Business Assurance Group to the Ministry of Public Health, as well as the rectors of the Universities of Medical Sciences.

The day was headed by the head of the Department of Attention to the Social Sector of the Central Committee of the Party, Susely Morfa González; Deputy Prime Minister Jorge Luis Perdomo Di-Lella; the head of Public Health, Dr. José Angel Portal Miranda, and the general secretary of the Health Workers Union (SNTS), Dr. Santiago Badía González.

When exchanging with those present, Portal Miranda called to continue working, with sensitivity and commitment, for the health of our people, and insisted on the importance of all processes and services related to the sector being distinguished by order, control and organization. In this purpose, he stressed, the responsibility and active participation of the cadres are fundamental.

He also reflected on the urgency of advancing the motivation and comprehensive preparation of new generations in universities and educational institutions “to train young people who are committed and capable of continuing the transformations that are carried out in our Health system.”

“It is everyone’s responsibility,” he said, “to care for the workers and the stimulation and permanent recognition of those who are an essential part of the sector, in a context of limitations and material deficiencies that greatly affect our daily performance and are mainly caused by the US blockade and the inclusion of Cuba on the list of States supposedly sponsoring terrorism.

For his part, Deputy Prime Minister Jorge Luis Perdomo Di-Lella urged the directors of the Minsap to take advantage of the value of the human resources available to the sector “to make a leap in quality in the services provided to our people to all.” levels and find alternatives and responses to the demands of the population.

He indicated prioritizing the monitoring of the construction processes that are currently being developed in the sector and the full functioning of the technology available, in order to fully exploit the existing capabilities and potential of each territory.

Likewise, the head of the Department of Attention to the Social Sector of the Central Committee of the Party, Susely Morfa González recognized the effort, commitment and dedication of the Cuban health workers, to whom she conveyed the respect and admiration of the Party and the Government in the midst of such difficult and challenging scenarios.

“The challenges that mark their indispensable work in society require human resources that are better prepared politically and ideologically, who know how to conduct the processes there at the base, in Primary Care, as that genuine achievement of our Revolution,” he said, in a call to the cadres towards the unity of action and collective thought.

During the meeting, among other topics, Budget control was also evaluated, as well as actions to confront crime, illegalities and inappropriate behavior that may manifest within the sector.

Towards half a century of the Cuban Society of Public Health

In the intense day this Sunday, the preparation actions in the country regarding the 50 years of the Cuban Society of Public Health (SOCUSAP) were addressed with special attention.

The organization, which brings together specialists and medical institutions in pursuit of contributing to the development of the National Health System and therefore contributes greatly to the quality of life of our people, projects a broad plan of activities in all provinces, explained the Dr. Alcides Abad Ochoa Alonso, president of the Society.

In his speech, he announced that a program of actions to encourage and honor the founders has been promoted since last year, “men and women who on July 10, 1974 integrated the nascent Society under principles of brotherhood and solidarity, led by valuable doctors, including Professor Francisco Rojas.”

Conferences, workshops and panels stand out among the initiatives of a theoretical event that we are going to hold on July 9 and 10 – he said – with the participation of 150 delegates from all over the country, “when we commemorate together the half century of the Cuban Society of Public Health and ratify the commitment to continue the work developed by our predecessors, in order to strengthen the scientific activity of health professionals, in favor of the quality of life of the people.”

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