Five mayors in trouble due to the ghost neighborhoods that the Nation left them

Five mayors in trouble due to the ghost neighborhoods that the Nation left them
Five mayors in trouble due to the ghost neighborhoods that the Nation left them

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Painted, with doors and windows. The homes that the Nation is building in Tunuyán are almost ready. The service works were also left half done.

Photo: Courtesy of the Municipality of Tunuyán

Ghost neighborhoods

“We finalized the signing of an agreement for works and housing with the national government,” said Governor Cornejo a couple of weeks ago. But those homes are only 156. The bulk of the compromised homes in Mendoza will continue to be paralyzed.unless the mayors They can unblock them, agree with the construction companies and/or obtain financing.

The situation is complex.

Tunuyán, Guaymallén, Santa Rosa, Lavalle and Maipú They are the departments that today have neighborhoods built but unfinished.

“I was about to sign the contract in August but I didn’t because I saw what could come,” he says. Fernando Ubieta, mayor of La Paz who had the possibility of agreeing on an investment in housing with the Government of Alberto Fernández in the middle of the electoral stage and preferred to let it pass. Today, with Monday’s diary, he realized that he did well.

The efforts of the other mayors bore fruit before and that is why in departments such as Santa Rosa or Tunuyán there are houses almost readyon secure property to avoid encroachments.

According to the survey carried out by Diario UNO, the municipality of Flor Destefanisone with the greatest housing problems according to the latest Conicet report, The Municipal Neighborhood of 76 homes is about to be completed.

The works began in November 2022 and were paralyzed with 91.23% progress. Lack just a certification of the national government to complete the neighborhood.

Destefanis is hopeful. He was able to contact people from the Nation and the door was left open.

Also nearing completion there are 300 homes in Tunuyán. The mayor Emir Andraos He was received in Buenos Aires by officials from the Ministry of Housing and Habitat, who assured him that co-financing with private individuals or executing units (provincial or municipal governments) is being evaluated in order to continue them.

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This is what the 300 homes that the Nation stopped financing in Tunuyán look like today.

Photo: Courtesy of the Municipality of Tunuyán

This package is within a larger one, of 49,000 houses spread throughout the country, so just like Andraos, there are many other mayors begging for reactivation.

In this case, The neighborhood is 80% complete and companies stopped collecting certificates since October. Despite this, the work – which also includes the services – continues with a minimum of activity.

The case of Maipú

Matías Stevanato managed to “get” the most homes from the Nation during the previous administration. “Since December 2015 there has been no Housing Plan for Maipú by the Province,” they said from the Municipality at that time, when the pandemic was beginning to be forgotten.

Between one program and another, they ended up agreeing with the Nation on the construction of 400 houses in the department.

“The Nation made a direct contribution to the contracting companies and it was suddenly cut off,” they told ONE Diary.

“The works were paralyzed because the Nation stopped sending funds to private companies. The percentage of progress is varied,” they provided without further details.

The dialogue with the Government of Javier Milei for these homes, which would solve the lives of 400 families, is null today.

Lavalle, inside and out

Lavalle It is one of the departments that benefited the most from the agreement that Cornejo made with the Nation for the continuity of works in Mendoza. The first 14 homes that will be followed this year are located there and, according to Government House calculations, could even be delivered before December.

There are also 9 others from another neighborhood, with 65% progress, which also remained within the provincial agreement.

The financing of all of them was agreed at the time with the intervention of the Provincial Housing Institute (IPV); But outside of that, directly with the Nation, the municipality agreed on 81 more houses.

And those are the ones who are in “trouble.”

It is about two other ghost neighborhoods, one with 35 homes and another with 46which are 80% complete and were paralyzed.

“We have no way to continue these works, but I understand that the Nation was in contact with the provincial government to find a solution to the financing issue,” revealed Mayor Edgardo González.

The Procrear II of Guaymallén

During the administration of Martín Hinojosa from Mendoza in command of the National Viticulture Institute (INV)the transfer of a property – a former club – of 95,000 square meters located on Tirasso Street and the General San Martín Railway tracks to the Procrear trust was formalized for the construction of an urban development of 504 apartments.

The initial objective was that, of that total, half of the units would be for the INV workers themselves.

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Photo: Cristian Lozano / UNO

Finally, as Diario UNO learned, In the tender carried out by Procrear, 336 1 and 2 bedroom apartments entered and those were the ones that began to be built. The INV towers achieved 23% progress. The last certificate was paid in November and since then the work has not moved.

In this particular case, the work to which Guaymallén committed -during the management of Marcelino Iglesias– was to take charge of the urbanization, accelerate the feasibility and, already during construction, carry out the pertinent controls.

Mayor Marcos Calvente will formalize the claim for the continuity of the work before the Ministry of Housing and Habitat, they assured from the commune.

The municipality also raised some doubts regarding the initial transfer agreement by the INV, although Hinojosa himself, who was the one who signed the donation of the land, confirmed that the documentation is in order and that this allowed the works to begin.

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Aerial shot of the impressive property where Nación carries out Procrear II in Guaymallén. The last construction certificate was paid in November 2023.

Photo: Cristian Lozano / UNO

Given their paralysis, the former president of the Institute raised a reality in the tug-of-war over public works: “Within a year, the Nation is going to have to make a decision: either they take back the houses they left half-finished or they lower taxes“.

The reactivation that Cornejo agreed to

The homes that the Nation committed to reactivate in Mendoza are part of programs like Casa Proprietary or Reconstruye.

As indicated by the Ministry of Government, Infrastructure and Territorial Development, These are 156 houses agreed upon by the national management and the provincial government. in previous administrations.

The reactivation will not be immediate but it is expected that this year 14 homes located in Lavalle will be completed.

Within the agreement there were another 9, also from that department; 41 located in Rivadavia, which reached more than 55% of the construction and another 24 in San Martín that are at more than 45%.

The agreement also commits the Nation to take back 43 homes in Tupungato that depend on the Reconstruir program and that are half complete; and another 25 from Santa Rosa, which are barely more than 30% complete.

In these cases, To achieve the continuity of the works, what Mendoza agreed was to take charge of part of the financing.

Governor Alfredo Cornejo confirmed that “60% of the financing will be provided by Mendoza to finish those homes that today are at risk of being vandalized or usurped because they are half finished.”

As Diario UNO learned, What will come out of the provincial treasury will be a figure close to $2.5 billion.

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