Congress asks to regulate pet hotels in SLP

Deputy José Luis Fernández Martínez said that there is consensus between the majority of the benches and the citizens to dissolve the water body in the metropolitan area

By: Editorial

José Luis Fernández Martínez, local representative in the Congress of the State of San Luis Potosí, presented the initiative to disappear the Intermunicipal Organization for Drinking Water, Sewage and Sanitation (Interapas) this morning in a plenary session, which was turned over to committees.

The legislator for the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico (PVEM) said that There is a great consensus among different parliamentary groups, male and female deputies, as well as citizens, due to the disappearance of the water operating agency of the municipalities of the capital of Potosí, Soledad de Graciano Sánchez and Cerro de San Pedro.

“It is signed by the members of the parliamentary group of the Green Party, the Labor Party, two members of Morena, the representative of Nueva Alianza, deputy Yolanda Josefina Cepeda, who is currently a non-party deputy and Deputy Liliana Flores Almazán, with the addition of Deputy Emma Saldaña


. I think it has great support, beyond the deputies, from the citizens,” he expressed.


Fernández Martínez said that now the discussion will come in the different commissions, and the participation of the three city councils involved, the state government, and the federation, to nourish the opinion; He announced that during the process, modifications could be generated to what was presented today.

“I would like to point out that the commissions will make their decisions based on the opinion of not only the municipalities, but also some other entities; We are going to ask the state government, the State Water Commission, the National Water Commission. We are going to provide ourselves with all the information that is prudent to make a good decision,” he commented.

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