The thieves who stole the car of a Neuquén priest were arrested

The thieves who stole the car of a Neuquén priest were arrested
The thieves who stole the car of a Neuquén priest were arrested

The operation that allowed the vehicle to be recovered was carried out by personnel from the 52nd Centenario Police Station and it came to fruition in the early hours of yesterday. Cares explained that the officers observed that the car did not have the rear license plate and that they tried to catch up with it. It was under these circumstances that a chase began to the farm area, where the criminals wanted to hide the car in the backyard of a home. However, the maneuver had already been warned and they were intercepted when they tried to run away.


On Monday morning, the car was returned to Neuquén priest Daniel Lorente.

Thieves with a record and an arrest warrant

When it came to collecting the suspects’ data, they found that one of them had an arrest warrant for the crimes of robbery, resistance and home invasion.

Then, by uploading the data of the Volkswagen car to the police system, they confirmed that it was the vehicle stolen from priest Lorente in the early morning hours of June 16.

Faced with this situation, the two detainees were placed at the disposal of the prosecutor’s office and an order was requested to carry out a rigorous search of the seized vehicle. In this framework, Cares highlighted, different elements were collected that will be used for the investigation that was in charge of judicial officials.

During this day, the two criminals were accused and one of them, the one who registered an arrest warrant, was placed in preventive detention. Both defendants domicile in Neuquén capital and within a period of four months, they will advance to the trial stage.

They took him away when the priest was closing a gate.

The theft of Lorente’s car had the characteristics of other similar events, where the victim leaves the vehicle parked on the street for a few seconds to leave and while he is busy closing the bars or the gate of his home, he suffers the theft. “I don’t have a carport or garage, I took the car out and left it parked at the door, in front of the chapel gate. I left it stopped and, as I normally do, I left the key in the glove compartment, next to the driver’s door. Without the alarm or anything, because I’m going to close the gate door and come back,” Lorente said at the time about the circumstances of the robbery.

He added that “I saw two people walking along the opposite sidewalk, diagonally, they were older adults, tall, and it caught my attention because one had a car tire on his shoulder and I said: ‘Poor thing, he must have had a puncture and “He’s taking her to the rubber shop.'” However, these were not innocent neighbors but rather they were waiting for an opportunity to rob. Lorente did not take long to confirm it and only managed to hear the noise of his car’s engine running: “When I see them turning the corner and I don’t see them anymore, I turn to close the gate and in that second that I am closing “I heard the car start up at the gate,” he lamented.

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