Young people from Yopal committed to building a sustainable and productive city » PRENSA LIBRE CASANARE

In a decentralized session in the town of El Morro, the leaders of the Platform and the Yopal Youth Council worked on the construction of impact actions that benefit the youth population, recognizing and respecting their diversity from all dimensions: rurality, gender , ethnic, racial and peasant belonging, migrant, diverse sexual orientations and gender identities, disabilities, among others.

In addition, the need to reach young people who have criminal responsibility and those who provide military service with strategies was pointed out.

Key themes

During the session they discussed topics such as: Planning of Youth Week. A series of activities and events were proposed that will allow the youth of Yopal to celebrate and empower themselves in the month of August.

Action plan of the Youth Participation Subsystem. Actions were unified between the two youth bodies with the purpose of joining efforts to promote actions that promote, make visible and recognize youth identities and expressions in all their dimensions within the framework of their rights that allow the strengthening of their life projects from their autonomy. and personal identity.

Reform of the Youth Statute, which is currently being drafted in the Congress of the Republic. The necessary inputs and a view of the territory were collected to feed the existing debate at the National level; The president of the Council and the president of the Youth Platform will represent the youth of Yopal in Bogotá this June 26.

Municipal Concertation and Decision Commission. Emphasis was placed on the progress made to date, establishing the work agenda and priorities.

Joint session with the Yopal Municipal Council. The prior preparation and election of the topics that will be presented by the Youth Council in said Corporation was carried out, ensuring that youth voices are heard in municipal decisions.

“The first joint and decentralized session with the Municipal Youth Platform in El Morro was a success, the youth of the municipality celebrated the joint actions that we are carrying out as a youth participation subsystem in coordination with the Municipal Administration of Yopal. We recognize the importance of prioritizing the rural area of ​​our municipality, knowing its 11 townships, the particularity of each one and the feeling of their communities. We want to visit our entire territory, we want the young people of Yopal to be part of the youth participation spaces and with the evidence of good work, recover credibility in the institutions, the importance of doing and influencing the politics of our municipality, department and country,” highlighted Mildred Frasica, president of the Youth Council.

In this session, the youth of Yopal reaffirmed their commitment to building a sustainable and productive city, so that it is consolidated as a strategic nodal center in the Colombian Orinoquía.

“From the Municipal Administration there is an absolute interest in strengthening the capacities, skills, vocations and talents of young people for the comprehensive construction of their autonomy and their life projects. Likewise, we want to provide sufficient guarantees so that the youth leaders who are in the Council and in the Municipal Youth Platform can exercise their role in society, through the operation of the Municipal Youth System of Yopal,” he stated. Fabián Josué Meridiano, director of Youth of the Mayor’s Office of Yopal.

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