Work is progressing on the three new bridges that will improve the connection between Godoy Cruz and Guaymallén

Work is progressing on the three new bridges that will improve the connection between Godoy Cruz and Guaymallén
Work is progressing on the three new bridges that will improve the connection between Godoy Cruz and Guaymallén

Details of the work

It is about the materialization of three bridges. Two will be on him Maure Canal and a third on the Cacique Guaymallén Channel. In addition, they will be connected to each other through the corresponding road infrastructure.

He bridge No. 1 is located in Lencinas street, on the Maure canal. It ends at the roundabout that will allow vehicular traffic to be distributed to Miter or continue towards Remedios de Escalada. The work is completely finished.

On the other hand, the psource No. 2, located in front of the Club. This also crosses the Maure Canal in a slanted manner, From East to West. and links the new layout of Miter street with the existing one.

As for the bridge No. 3, which will cross the Cacique Guaymallén Canal and unite both departments, has already made the foundations for two of its columns.

In turn, the large property which will be the extension of Miter Park. In this case, it is made up of streets, roundabouts, cycle paths, pedestrian paths and green spaces.

The new arteries are two. On the one hand, the continuation of Lencinas towards the department of Guaymallén and, on the other, the continuation of Miter, which will allow the new property to be vehicularly connected to Montecaseros. In both, shoulders, curbs, ditches, sidewalks have been laid out and the bases for the new power lines have been built.


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