Colo Colo will not be able to appeal Arturo Vidal’s red card in the Chile Cup and will miss the rematch with O’Higgins

Colo Colo will not be able to appeal Arturo Vidal’s red card in the Chile Cup and will miss the rematch with O’Higgins
Colo Colo will not be able to appeal Arturo Vidal’s red card in the Chile Cup and will miss the rematch with O’Higgins

“King” Arturo will miss the rematch this Sunday at the Monumental Stadium.

(From Santiago, Chile) Colo Colo tied just this Sunday against O’Higgins at the El Teniente de Rancagua stadium, in the first leg of the quarterfinals of the Chile Cup 2024. The match was marked by the expulsion of Arturo vidal and despite the complaints of the “King”, it is already clear that will not be able to appeal and you will lose the rematch that this will take place Sundayat 5:30 p.m., in the Monumental Stadium.

The frictional match ended with the score equal to two points and, almost at the end, Vidal was expelled for double yellow card.

The match was a goal racket for the cacique and when the 90th minute was ticking, King, in his attempt to break the parity, went hard against Antonio Diaz, a foul that was immediately charged by the referee. The steering wheel already had yellow cardboard but, despite his angry claims, they still painted his face and he was seen leaving the field of play, not happy, heading towards the showers.

Carlos Palacios was chosen as the best player of the match and indicated that “it was a very tough match, on a very heavy, very muddy field. At times he complicated us a little because of how we played. There we missed a couple of clear goals that if we scored, we could make a difference on the scoreboard. But happy to have rescued the tie and we are going to define at home.”

Once the match was over, Vidal assured that he had not committed a crime. so serious lack and said that he intended to appeal for the yellow card, so as not to miss the rematch against the Rancagüinos on Sunday at the Monumental.

According to the two-time American champion, he spoke with the referee and told him “that I didn’t do anything to him, I didn’t step on it with malice. Clearly I took him to the top, but it is not for a yellow card. Surely he had not charged, she charged the quarter. They told me that the room heard the player’s scream and that was the expulsion. But I hope it can be remedied, appealed and we can play the next game,” stated the Dale Albo page.

After his words came the turn of Daniel Moron, sports manager of the team, who recognized that “there is a play where there was a friction that is sometimes punishable with a foul, sometimes with a foul and a yellow card like today. Perhaps, in my opinion, exaggerated, but it is the referee’s assessment. What yes, there was a poke that could have had the same sanction and that was not the case. So, I hope that from now on the referees’ assessments will be fair for both sides.”

However, the “Parrot” made it clear that there is no possibility to go to the ANFP Disciplinary Court to appeal the sanction since “there is a touch and when there is a touch, it becomes the referee’s discretion. “Then the court is prevented from acting in those cases,” he concluded hopelessly.

Colo Colo and University of Lima faces will be seen this Wednesday from 8:00 p.m. at the Monumental Stadium, in a friendly match with a view to preparing the second part of the season. Even so, the “Cacique” will seek to recover feelings and raise the morale of the team in order to arrive in the best way for the rematch against the Rancagüinos, which will be played on Sunday in the white redoubt.

The Peruvian champion, for its part, is one of the main favorites to win the Closing Tournament of League 1, where it pursues the two-time championship

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