Pullaro: ‘Santa Fe wants to take charge of all the routes of the interport complex’ | Ecos365.com.ar

Pullaro: ‘Santa Fe wants to take charge of all the routes of the interport complex’ | Ecos365.com.ar
Pullaro: ‘Santa Fe wants to take charge of all the routes of the interport complex’ | Ecos365.com.ar

Special delivery._ Governor Maximiliano Pullaro assured that he is in talks with the national government so that the province takes charge of the infrastructure works of the agro-export ports in southern Santa Fe.

“At this moment we are having dialogue with the national government because the province of Santa Fe wants to take charge of all the routes of the interport complex to be able to manage it with an efficient system that allows us to improve everything that is access to the ports. “said the governor who shared a panel with his parts of Córdoba, Entre Ríos and Mendoza during the 2024 annual convention of the Argentine Chamber of Construction (Camarco) taking place in La Rural de Palermo.

“However, we are going to invest 50 million dollars so far this year to be able to improve all the roads that reach the ports of the province of Santa Fe,” Pullaro highlighted about the project that he is promoting together with private companies to reinforce the public works in the province.

“At this time, of course, we resumed many works that had been deactivated during the last part of the administration that preceded me and we are putting ourselves into an ambitious plan and public works program that must lead to the province of Santa Fe, which we always It should have been that it is the State accompanying the productive sectors so that each of them can deploy and grow,” the governor said in his presentation.

Pullaro opened the panel of governors. After his presentation, he left to meet with the Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francos, to sign the public works agreements, one related to infrastructure such as the Cascada del Saladillo, and another that points to the completion of some 800 homes of the Procrear system that were not finalized.

In any case, the agreements are only a small part of the almost 200 projects that have been paralyzed since the middle of last year.

Pullaro pointed out that “we want to take care of some problems that exist in the province of Santa Fe and that are old, as mentioned here, it is the entire interport complex that for years we have been discussing who finances or why a truck has to leave of a field with a dirt road, with a natural road and reaching the port or many ports, also with a natural road, with the contribution that the entire productive system makes to the National State.

“Specifically, who should finance or who should carry out public works when over 35% of exports are kept by the national government, when the municipalities and communes are left with a rate that they charge to each truck and the government of the province, in general terms, is the one who ends up investing to sustain access to ports,” he noted.

He once again highlighted the weight of the Central Region, which on Thursday will have a new chapter in the city of Santa Fe, where the chambers of the sector will put on the table the key works to boost production in the three provinces.

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