Why is San Pelayo de Córdoba celebrated?

Why is San Pelayo de Córdoba celebrated?
Why is San Pelayo de Córdoba celebrated?

The Catholic Saints are a list that includes the saints and blesseds officially recognized by the Catholic Church, assigning them a specific date on the calendar. This brings together around 7,000 famous characters. They allude to men and women who have left a mark in the history of Christianity, as well as their special bond with the spiritual.

This June 26th the name day of San Pelayo of Córdoba, lived during the reign of Caliph Abd al-Rahman III. He was educated by his uncle Hermoigio who was bishop of Tuy. However, after the battle of Valdejunquera he was captured along with his uncle. Three years later they released Hermoigio, but Pelayo remained hostage. After rejecting Abd al-Rahman III’s proposals to renounce his Christian faith and please him sexually, he was martyred by the caliph, being torn to pieces on June 26, 925 in Córdoba.

Saints celebrated on June 26:

  • Saint Antelmo de Belley
  • Saint David of Thessalonica
  • San Deodato of Nola
  • Saint Joseph Ma Taishun
  • Saint Joseph Mary Robles
  • Saint Maxentius of Poitiers
  • Saint Perseveranda
  • Saint Salvius and companion
  • Saint Superius martyr
  • Saint Vigilius of Trent
  • Blessed Andres Iscak
  • Blessed Andrés Jacinto Longhin
  • Blessed Magdalena Fontaine and companions
  • Blessed Nicholas Konrad
  • Blessed Raymond Petiniaud de Jourgnac
  • Blessed Vladimir Pryjma
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