Banco Nación launched loans for $20 billion for the production of Mendoza

Banco Nación launched loans for $20 billion for the production of Mendoza
Banco Nación launched loans for $20 billion for the production of Mendoza

But at the same time, the head of Mendoza’s economic portfolio announced that they are looking for increase the rate subsidy. For that, it is already negotiating another agreement, in this case with Banco Ciudad for a total of $10,000 million.

Less interest, more credit

“I want to tell you that we are carrying out negotiations with Banco Ciudad. We are going to invite private local banks to participate in this operation through a process of public tender in which entities will offer an interest rate for a total amount of credits to bonus of ten thousand millions“Vargas Arizu pointed out.

According to the Minister of Production, in this way the objective is to “inject in the coming months financing for the entire sector productive” by $40,000 million “with discounted rates”.

To lower the interest on the credit that Mendoza producers have access to, the Government plans to allocate $6,000 million.

On that train, before those attending the Agroindustrial Congress, the official announced that in the coming days details of the operation to be implemented by Banco Nación will be given “so that they can make all the necessary consultations, and that companies and enterprises can take full advantage of it.” .


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